Gender, Equal Opportunities, Research, 2006 (vol. 7), issue 2
Feminismus v praxi


Feminismus v praxi

Zuzana Uhde

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2006, 7 (2)

Rovné příležitosti

Costa Rica: Peace Dividend Yielding Gender Equality

Miluš Kotišová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2006, 7 (2): 20-24  

Our prejudices make us blind to the wealth of inspiration in the area of gender democracy making and the progress to be found outside of the Occident, in this case to that of Costa Rica. The country´s historic milestone is undoubtedly the abolition of its army in 1948, with the ensuing cummulative effect of the so called peace dividend, particularly in education. The latter in turn played a major role in the advancement of Costa Rican women, as well as fostered in large measure a gender sensitization of the society over an arguably short span of time - much in defiance of persistent dire problems any developing country faces. The cornerstone of its...

Women's Empowerment: Theory and practice

Lenka Veselá

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2006, 7 (2): 25-28  

This paper outlines the theoretical conceptualization of women's empowerment by feminist thought and discusses practical aspects concerning the implementation of this principle into various gender equality programs and concepts and the development discourse. The text begins with a discussion of feminist re-conceptualization of the term empowerment. This concept was adopted by feminism as a principle of understanding women as actors of change, as it represents a process of shifting from a passive state towards an active state of control over material and intellectual resources. Empowerment is interpreted as a contextual category, while empowerment patterns...

Basic Characteristic of Pro-women Oriented Non-profit Organizations in the Czech Republic

Jana Chaloupková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2006, 7 (2): 29-36  

The article describes character of activities and thematic areas of Czech non-profit organizations that focus on promoting gender equality and women's rights in 1990s. Beside the women's organizations the attention is paid to identify the other projects aimed at supporting women or gender equality, but addressed by non-profit organizations whose main object of activity is broader. In addition, the article explores the pro-women oriented non-profit organisations in terms of their memberships, organizational background and geographical extent of their activities. The shifts in topics and activities of Czech women's organizations are identified in process...


Leaving Berkeley after 35 years: An Interview with Arlie Hochschild

Alena Křížková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2006, 7 (2): 63-68  

In May of this year I was working on a research project at Berkeley. There I met Arlie Hochschild, whose formal academic career as a professor of sociology at Berkely University for the past 35 years was about to end. I had the opportunity to visit one of her classes and discuss research methodology and ways of writing up results. We also spoke about the differences between American and Czech gender regimes. At that time I got the idea of asking Arlie if she would do an interview for this journal, and she agreed. Arlie's knowledge and experience enable her to clearly and concisely analyze, formulate and produce unique ideas about our daily lives. She...

The gender files

Reflexion on Gender Studies against the Background of Feminist Development

Martina Kampichler

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2006, 7 (2): 1-5  

FThe article aims to give a concise overview of the development and background of gender studies programs as they can be found at European universities today. As the final institutionalized forms of such programs differ according to the specific goals, strategies and conditions at the given university, the article finishes with the presentation of two different gender studies programmes. Namely, the gender studies bachelor's program, running since the academic year 2004/2005 at Masaryk University in Brno and the master's program at the University of Vienna, starting in the academic year 2006/2007. The framework of my considerations is based on the...

Contradictory Discourses of Fatherhood

Radka Dudová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2006, 7 (2): 6-9  

Fatherhood has experienced many transformations in the past years, as well as the institution of family and relationships between partners, parents and children. The social science discourse reflects those changes, but quite often through a prism of values and ideologies, and only rarely is gender neutral. This article presents today's discourses of fatherhood, their paradoxes and one way streets in which they sometimes end. Fathers today and especially those living in some of the "new" family arrangement (divorced fathers, step fathers, lone fathers...) find themselves in a situation where no clear cultural models or scenarios of behaviour exist....

Feminist Perspective in Social Work Practice

Radka Janebová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2006, 7 (2): 10-19  

Social workers too often accept without question conventional beliefs on gender roles and the nature of families. Feminist analyses of social work have argued for greater attention to the conditions which women experience. Feminist social work is described as a movement to raise consciousness and give women control of their lives or as an analysis of oppression and modes empowerment for women. This article focuses on feminist contributions to knowledge and skill building in social work. There are many ways to separate theories. I prefer common division of liberal, radical, socialist and postmodern feminism. Each perspective is presented with a brief...


The Attitude of the Czech Politicians and Officials to the Gender Equality Issues During the Period Before the EU Eastern Enlargement

Alena Křížková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2006, 7 (2): 37-40  

The author argues that the attitudes of disinterest and ignorance of the Czech governmental officials and politicians towards gender equality during the period of EU Eastern enlargement was one of the most important factors that shaped the character of the promotion of women and gender equality. The text is based on analyses of semi-structured interviews with politicians and officials from the Czech government, and representatives of the European Commission carried out between 2003 and 2005. The strategy of the Czech government was to mechanically adopt everything that constitutes a precondition for the Czech Republic's accession to the EU. It is possible...

Feminism and Sexual Education

Lucie Jarkovská

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2006, 7 (2): 41-45  

The article introduces a particular outcome of an ethnographic research that was conducted in the 6th grade of elementary school and which focused on gender aspects of education. It presents the analysis of sexual education. It is believed that sexual education is more a "girls' thing", that girls are more concerned about the topic and are more involved. The author reveals this believe is a myth and shows how the discursive practices leave the girls out of the discourse and make them more silent and less involved in the discussion than in any other subjects in school. The author argues that sexual education, which is not gender sensitive and is not...

Domestic Violence: Experiences of Women Who Left Their Violent Partners

Jaroslava Marhánková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2006, 7 (2): 46-50  

Domestic violence is a problem that needs to be perceived in the context of structural inequalities, which are closely related to the gender roles and expectations. This paper is based on research that was done in two shelters for women in need where nine women were interviewed. This paper is focusing on two problems. First of them is the form of the violence. Interviews showed that domestic violence was in these cases instrumental towards building a relationship of dominance. The violent partners referred to traditional division of gender roles as a means how to reinforce their domination even in situations when they themselves were no able to fulfill...

Educative Campaign "You're Alive Because Your Parents Wanted You": A Critical Discourse Analysis Perspective

Tereza Kynčlová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2006, 7 (2): 51-57  

Applying tools of CDA on texts published on an anti-abortion, teenager-targeting campaign web site, the article unveils a deeply engrained sexist bias in the language that conveys the campaign's goals as well as in the argumentative contents of the texts concerned. Sexism on both these levels leads to a severe invisibilization of women within the web presentation although the issue discussed pertains to women and female bodies mainly. Further the article analyzes potential implications of the campaign's arguments for women and their right to decide about their bodies. Since the translation of the web's domain into English is "freedom...

Family Life and the Reconciliation of Work and Family in the Couples of Men and Women in Managerial Positions

Radka Dudová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2006, 7 (2): 58-62  

The article presents partial results of a qualitative study realized in 2006 between Czech men and women managers. The purpose of the study was to compare the situation and conditions of men and women in managerial work. It shows that the main source of inequalities is the need of conciliation of managerial work and household and family duties. The division of non-paid labor in the families of our respondents is very gender unequal. Women are responsible for largest part of tasks connected with household and childrearing, even if they live in most cases in two carrier families. On the other hand, men managers prefer to live in a traditional family...


Feminismus: je tady a je náš aneb marginalizované(í) spojte se!

Zuzana Uhde

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2006, 7 (2): 69-71  

"On je prostě takový" aneb sexualizovaná realita pracovních vztahů

Zdeněk Sloboda

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2006, 7 (2): 72  

Pozice na pracovním trhu jako odraz individuální svobodné volby

Marta Vohlídalová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2006, 7 (2): 75-77  

Ženy v boji za mírové ideály

Zoe Geiger

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2006, 7 (2): 78-80  

Globální nadvláda nebo spravedlivější svět?

Zuzana Kubišová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2006, 7 (2): 81-83  

Práce žen z domova v České republice

Ivana Šindlerová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2006, 7 (2): 84  


Zpráva z konference Asociace žen v psychologii

Martina Rašticová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2006, 7 (2): 69-71  

Feministický diskurs v multikulturní Evropě

Zuzana Uhde

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2006, 7 (2): 73-74  

Rovnost nestačí - Zpráva z evropské konference o rovných příležitostech "Equal Is not Enough"

Marta Vohlídalová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2006, 7 (2): 78-80  

Sociální exkluze, inkluze a sociální politika (zpráva z konference)

Hana Víznerová, Marta Vohlídalová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2006, 7 (2): 81-83  

The European Mind: Narrative and Identity - konference Mezinárodní společnosti studií evropských myšlenek (ISSEI)

Radka Dudová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2006, 7 (2): 85  

Globální spravedlnost, liberální demokracie, kapitalismus a náboženství v liberálních společnostech: Konference "Philosophy and Social Science 2006"

Zuzana Kubišová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2006, 7 (2): 85