Gender, Equal Opportunities, Research, 2011 (vol. 12), issue 1
Sondy ze Slovenska


Sondy ze Slovenska

Mariana Szapuová, Zuzana Kiczková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (1)


The Burden of Proof is to be with Those Who Argue for a Disparity of Privileges, or Why to Brush up Old Philosophical Arguments

Mariana Szapuová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (1): 3-12  

Justifying the subordinated position of women in society by appealing to biological sex diferences has a long history and is popular today, too. In this article the author aims to reconstruct some counter-arguments against such kind of legitimisation of gender inequality developed by Harriet Taylor Mill and John Stuart Mill in the 19th century. These philosophers articulated the problem of women's subjection, and in line with their liberal position argued for women's liberation on the grounds of freedom and social justice as well as on those of ethical utilitarism. The author argues that the arguments of these philosophers merit attention even today.

Categories of the Public and Private in an Analysis of the Gender Power Asymmetry. Retrospective and Perspective

Zuzana Kiczková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (1): 13-24  

The paper relects on the gender speciic nature of private and public spheres as discussed in feminist discourses in European and American contexts. Its aim is to explore the potential of the concepts of public and private in analysing the issue of reconciliation of work and family, connected with women' presence in the public sphere, with the hierarchy between the public and private and with the gender power asymmetry. he public and private as analytical constructs are helpful in moving beyond the individual level and understanding the social-political structure and historical context. These categories characterize diferent value systems with a hierarchical...

Our Daily Bread: Masculinities and Food in Scientiic Periodicals in the First Decade of the 21st Century

Adam Gajdoš

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (1): 25-34  

The main purpose of the paper is to ofer an overview of recent research problems and debates concerning the emergence of masculinity/masculinities through the gendered preparation and consumption of food. While it takes the shape of a systematic review of scientiic papers related to the mutual interdependence of masculinities and food -related practices in the past decade, it attempts to provide a synthetic snapshot of the ield. First of all, an inventory of dominant images of masculinity and food is outlined in order to provide a frame of reference for the subsequent discussion. Masculinity is then examined as an emergent quality of various practices...

The Place of Feminism in Social Work Tradition

Monika Bosá

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (1): 35-43  

The paper explores the close connection between social work and feminist movement and theory. he tradition and history of social work are incomplete without social workers - women activists. he aim of the paper is to examine the historical context of the professionalization of social work in close connection with the irst wave of feminism, and to interrogate positions which refuse feminist approaches in social work as marginal, ideological - not objective, or curious and even dangerous, improper.Women's movement is one of the sources of development and professionalization of social work. Political and social activism of many outstanding women - "Mothers"...


Akty aktualizovania aktov. Sexty a texty Holých bab

Monika Mitášová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (1): 44-53  

Articles outside the special issue

The Gender Revolution: Uneven and Stalled

Paula England

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (1): 54-62  

In this article, the author describes sweeping changes in the gender system and ofers explanations for why change has been uneven. Because the devaluation of activities done by women has changed little, women have had strong incentive to enter male jobs, but men have had little incentive to take on female activities or jobs. he gender egalitarianism that gained traction was the notion that women should have access to upward mobility and to all areas of schooling and jobs. But persistent gender essentialism means that most people follow gender -typical paths except when upward mobility is impossible otherwise. Middle-class women entered managerial and...

Policies of Inactivity: Gender Equality in Czech Science Policy

Hana Tenglerová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (1): 63-73  

The paper examines the non/reception of gender equality as a legitimate topic of science policy in the Czech Republic. Despite much criticism from experts and research that shows that there are major problems with gender equality, state oicials and institutions remain resistant to the issue. he policies of inactivity are studied from the perspective of a constructivist policy analysis. he aim of the paper is to show how discursive practices of institutions and understandings of the issue constitute gender equality as something that is completely on the periphery of or even outside science itself. hus, logically, gender equality is pushed outside the...


"Szapuová, M. (ed). Situovaná veda. Podoby a kontexty tvorby poznania"

Alice Červinková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (1): 77-80  

Au-pair ako inštitucionálny problém (Búriková, Z., Miller, D. Au Pair)

Lenka Krištofová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (1): 82-85  

Ne/zabudnuté kroky žien k "vlastnej izbe" (Farkašová, E. Na ceste k "vlastnej izbe")

Mariana Szapuová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (1): 87-91  

Genderovanost univerzitního bádání v kontextu Slovenska (Szapuová, M., Kiczková, Z., Zezulová, J. (eds.). Na ceste k rodovej rovnosti: ženy a muži v akademickom prostredí)

Hana Maříková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (1): 92-95  

Kritický pohľad na vedu v premenách (Stöckelová, T. Akademické poznávaní, vykazování a podnikání)

Etela Farkašová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (1): 96-99  

Nové výzvy v boji proti útlaku a nadvláde (Young, I. M. Proti útlaku a nadvládě)

Miroslava Mišičková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (1): 100-103  

Průvodce strategiemi genderové politiky (Stiegler, B., Michalitsch, G. Spravodlivosť v rodových vzťahoch)

Karolína Černá

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (1): 104  

Český porodní systém z antropologického pohledu (Hrešanová, E. Kultury dvou porodnic: etnografická studie)

Hana Hašková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (1): 105  


Cesta feministickým mateřským myšlením se Sarou Ruddick

Alena Ortenová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (1): 77-80  

O mocenských vzťahoch na feministickej letnej škole

Zuzana Maďarová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (1): 81  

Zpráva z konference Ženy a ekonomika

Kateřina Cidlinská, Alice Červinková, Alena Ortenová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (1): 86  

Zpráva z Výroční konference Britské sociologické asociace

Lenka Formánková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (1): 92-95  


Postoj k sexuálnímu obtěžování: profesionalita versus svoboda?

Petr Pavlík, Irena Smetáčková, Kateřina Kolářová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (1): 74-76