Information on the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences


An overview of information compulsorily disclosed pursuant to Act No. 106/1999 Coll.

  1. The full official name of the legally bound entity:
    Fyzikální ústav AV ČR, v. v. i., (hereinafter referred to as the FZU), registered in the Register of Public Research Institutions under the file No. 17113/2006-34/FZU.
  2. The reason and way of the establishment of the legally bound entity, including the conditions and principles under which it performs its activities:
    The institute was established by means of the Resolution No. 26 of the Board of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences dated 18th December 1953 with effect from 1st January 1954 under the name of the Institute of Physics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. In the meaning of Sec. 18 (2) of Act No. 283/1992 Coll., it has become part of the Czech Academy of Sciences with effect from 31st December 1992. Based on Act No. 341/2005 Coll., as of 1st January 2007, the legal form of the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences changed from a state contributory organization to a public research institution.
    Under Act No. 341/2005 Coll., its founder is the Czech Academy of Sciences.
  3. The description of the legally bound entity’s organisation chart:
    FZU organization chart
  4. Contact:
    address: Fyzikální ústav AV ČR, v. v. i., Na Slovance 1999/2, 182 21 Praha 8
    tel.: +420 226 052 111
    fax: +420 286 581 395
    electronic filing office:
    data box ID: nm9ns84
    FZU contact data.
  5. Way of payment for the provision of information:
    1. wire transfer:
      account number: 2106535627
      bank code: 2700
      constant symbol: 0308
      variable symbol: we recommend entering the organization Reg. The ID of the date of birth (DDMMYY)
      message for the recipient: please enter the registration number under which your application was recorded
    2. personally in the cash office of the FZU
      (entry from Pod Vodárenskou věží 1999/1 street)
    3. By mail to the address:
      FZU AV ČR, v. v. i.
      Na Slovance 1999/2
      182 21 Praha 8
  6. Organization ID:
    Reg. ID: 68378271
  7. Organization Tax ID:
    VAT: CZ68378271
  8. Documents:
  9. Where and how to get the respective information:
    • by mail: FZU AV ČR v. v. i., Na Slovance 1999/2,182 21 Praha 8
    • by phone: +420 226 052 185, +420 226 052 111
    • by fax: +420 286 581 395
    • by e-mail: info [at] fzu [dot] cz
    • The provision of information is charged according to the applicable rate book - see Point 15.
  10. Where to file an application or a complaint, submit a proposal, and where to receive a decision:
    The reception desk of the main building of the FZU (Mon - Fri 8:00 – 11:00)
    (entry to the building is from Pod Vodárenskou věží 1999/1 street)
  11. Place, time and method of appeal against the decision of the legally bound entity, including an explicit indication of the requirements the applicant needs to comply within this respect and a description of the procedures and rules to be followed in such activities:
    1. Appeal:
      It is possible to file an appeal against the decision of the legally bound entity in a written form within 15 days after the decision was delivered. The appeal needs to be delivered to the legally bound entity which issued the decision, thus to the FZU. The legally bound entity needs to submit the appeal together with all documents to the superior body within 15 days after the appeal was delivered.
    2. A complaint about the procedure during the request for information processing:
      An applicant may, on legitimate grounds, lodge a complaint about the procedure during the request for information processing, in particular, if no decision about the rejection of the application has been issued within 15 days after the request was received by the FZU, or if the applicant received no information at all, or only partial information and no decision about the rejection was issued regarding the remaining part of the information requested. A complaint can be lodged to the FZU in a written form within 30 days after the notification of the application approval/denial was delivered or after the deadline for the provision of the information expired. The complaint is decided by the superior body within 15 days after it received it. Other requests and proposals are processed in accordance with Act No. 500/2004 Coll., Administrative Code, and in accordance with the FZU internal regulations.
  12. Form templates:   (only CZ)
  13. Procedure description:
    FZU procedure in processing of applications, proposals and requests of citizens under Act No. 106/1999 Coll., on free access to information:
    1. The FZU will evaluate the content of each filed application and:
      1. If the application is incomprehensible, does not clearly state what information is required or if it is worded too generally, the FZU will ask the applicant to clarify the application within 7 days after the application was filed. If the applicant does not clarify the application within 30 days after it was delivered, the FZU will shelve it,
      2. If the required information is not in the scope of the FZU authority, the application will be shelved and this justified fact will be communicated to the applicant within 7 days,
      3. The FZU will provide the required information within 15 days after the application was filed or after it was clarified, and it will do this either in a written form, by allowing the applicant to see the respective file, including the possibility to make a copy, or on a memory medium.
    2. If an applicant filed an application orally and he/she did not receive the information or if he/she does not consider the provided information as sufficient, it is necessary to file the application in a written form.
    3. Conditions under which the FZU is obliged to, or can, deny the provision of the information, can restrict the provision of the information, or can refer the applicant to disclosed information are regulated by Act No. 106/1999 Coll.
    4. The deadline for the provision of information can be extended for serious reasons (Sec. 14 (7) of Act No. 106/1999 Coll.), but by 10 days at most.
  14. An overview of the most important regulations according to which the legally bound entity acts and decides in particular, which provide for the right to request information and which govern other citizens' rights in relation to the legally bound entity, including where and when these regulations are accessible:
    Legal regulations related to the FZU activities,
    Act No.341/2005 Sb., on Public Research Institutions,
    Act No.283/1992 Sb., on the Academy of Sciences,
    Act No. 137/2006 Sb., on Public Contracts,
    Act No. 130/2002 Sb., on the Support of Research and Development,
    Deed of Foundation.
  15. Tariff of incurred costs relating to the provision of information:
  16. Annual Reports on the legally bound entity’s activities in the area of information provision for at least two previous calendar years: 
    only CZ
  17. Information according to Sec. 3 of Act No. 106/1999 Coll.:
    Expert opinions on the appreciation of the plots for ELI project.
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