9.2. 2022,
Laboratory of Translational Metabolism
Laboratory name: Translational Metabolism
Project supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Tomas Cajka, Ph.D. (tomas.cajka@fgu.cas.cz)
PhD project: Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry for comprehensive characterization of the metabolome and lipidome of biological samples
Over the last decade, mass spectrometry-based metabolomics and lipidomics have become established as the key platforms for comprehensive profiling of polar metabolites and complex lipids in biological samples (plasma, serum, urine, tissues). Coupling liquid chromatography to mass spectrometry (LC-MS) is the preferred technique in metabolomics and lipidomics permitting effective compound separations and detection. However, there is still a lack of sufficient data on the metabolome and lipidome characterizing biofluids and tissues which can be easily accessible and reused at any time for future studies. The Ph.D. project aims to focus on novel approaches for comprehensive characterization of the metabolome and lipidome in biological samples, specifically, (i) merging targeted and untargeted methods, (ii) increasing the coverage of spectral libraries used for metabolite annotation, and (iii) using bioinformatics tools for visualization and interpretation of the data obtained within metabolomics and lipidomics studies. The work will be conducted at the Institute of Physiology CAS and financially supported by various grants (GACR, MSMT, AZV).
Candidate’s profile (requirements):
We are seeking outstanding self-motivated candidates with master’s degree or equivalent in analytical chemistry, biochemistry, or related fields, or those expecting to obtain their degree this year. Candidates should be fluent in English. Experience with LC-MS as well as processing of metabolomics and lipidomics data sets are advantage.
H. Tsugawa, K. Ikeda, M. Takahashi, A. Satoh, Y. Mori, H. Uchino, N. Okahashi, Y. Yamada, I. Tada, P. Bonini, Y. Higashi, Y. Okazaki, Z. Zhou, Z.-J. Zhu, J. Koelmel, T. Cajka, O. Fiehn, K. Saito, M. Arita, M. Arita: A lipidome atlas in MS-DIAL 4. Nature Biotechnology 38 (2020) 1159–1163.
I. Nemet, P.P. Saha, N. Gupta, W. Zhu, K.A. Romano, S.M. Skye, T. Cajka, M.L. Mohan, L. Li, Y. Wu, M. Funabashi, A.E. Ramer-Tait, S.V.N. Prasad, O. Fiehn, F.E. Rey, W.H.W. Tang, M.A. Fischbach, J.A. DiDonato, S.L. Hazen: A Cardiovascular disease-linked gut microbial metabolite acts via adrenergic receptors. Cell 180 (2020) 862–877.
T. Cajka, J.T. Smilowitz, O. Fiehn: Validating quantitative untargeted lipidomics across nine liquid chromatography–high-resolution mass spectrometry platforms. Analytical Chemistry 89 (2017) 12360–12368.