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Fyziologický ústav AV ČR

Špičková věda pro zdraví

Program - Den fyziologie a medicíny pro vysokoškoláky

24. 2. 2022, Institute of Physiology CAS, Vídeňská 1083, Praha 4

10h00 - 13h00

Presentations of laboratories - IPHYS lecture hall / on-line

10h00 - 10h10


10h10 - 10h20 Pain Research


Mechanisms and treatment of pain

Jiří Paleček Bc, MSc, PhD
10h20 - 10h35 Neurochemistry  

Behavioural significance of cholinergic signalling in specific types of neurons

Mechanisms of selective modulation of individual subtypes of muscarinic receptors

Helena Janíčková


Alena Randáková

Bc, MSc


Bc, MSc

10h35 - 10h45 Molecular Physiology of Bone Bone marrow adipose tissue: an overlooked fat depot with different functions Michaela Tencerová PhD
10h45 -10h55 Metabolism of Bioactive Lipids  

Metabolomics: exploring biochemistry in the 21st century

Ondřej Kuda Bc, MSc, PhD
10h55 - 11h05 Membrane Transport Monovalent cations – key elements for life of eukaryotic cells Olga Zimmermannová Bc, MSc, PhD
11h05 - 11h15 Experimental Hypertension Mechanisms of blood pressure regulation, pathophysiology of hypertension, end-organ damage in hypertension and chronic kidney disease Ivana Vaněčková Bc, MSc, PhD
11h15 - 11h35

Coffee break

11h35 - 11h55 Biomaterials and Tissue engineering  

Cell interaction with biomaterials developed for tissue replacements and tissue engineering

Development of cardiovascular replacements using nano/microfibers, platelet lysate and growth factors to stimulate differentiation of stem cells

Bioengineering: Stem-cell differentiation for soft and hard tissue constructs 

Lucie Bačáková


Elena Filová

Jana Musílková

Bc, MSc, PhD


Bc, MSc, PhD

MSc, PhD

11h55 -12h10 Bioenergetics How to study mitochondrial energy production  Tomáš Mráček Bc, MSc, PhD
12h10 - 12h20 Adipose Tissue Biology Effects of n-3 fatty acid supplementation on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in obesity Martin Rossmeisl  Bc, MSc, PhD
12h20 - 12h30 Developmental Cardiology Noninvasive assessment of progressive cardiac dysfunctions in animal models of cardiovascular diseases

Jan Neckář,

Jaroslav Hrdlička 

Bc, MSc, PhD
12h30 - 12h40 Developmental Epileptology Mechanisms responsible for psychiatric comorbidities of early onset epilepsy Hana Kubová MSc, PhD
12h40 - 12h50 Molecular Neurobiology Microtubule associated proteins in brain development and disease Martin Balaštík MSc, PhD
12h50 - 13h00


13h00 - 14h00

Lunch break

14h00 - 17h00

Presentation of laboratories