Deadline for submissions: 30. 6. 2021
Redakční uzávěrka pro odevzdání studií: 31. 5 2021
Deadline for submissions: February 28th, 2021
Issue topic: Crime and Punishment. The History of Crime, Criminology, and Criminalistics in Central Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Deadline for submissions: December 31st, 2019
Deadline for submission of abstracts: July 20, 2019
Venue: Vila Lanna, V sadech 1, Praha 6
Venue: Masarykův ústav a Archiv AV ČR, Gabčíkova 10, Praha 8
Deadline for submission: 1. 8. 2019
Issue Theme: Migration in the Modern History of Central Europe
Deadline for submissions: June 30th, 2019
Místo konání: Národní archiv, Archivní 4, Praha 4
Uzávěrka přihlášek: 15. 3. 2019
Deadline for applications / Anmeldung: 28. 1. 2019
Issue Theme: The Past in the Present Political Practice
Deadline for submissions: January 31, 2019
Annahmeschluß: 20. 6. 2018
Prague, 10 – 12 October 2018
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 31 May 2018
Prague, 4. – 6. 10. 2018
Submission of paper proposals: 31. 1. 2018
Issue theme: The gray zone of democracy. Elections between legality and legitimacy in Central Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries
Deadline for submissions: September 1st 2018
Issue Theme: Beyond Secularization. Religion in Culture, Society and Politics in Central Europe during the 19th and 20th Centuries.
Deadline for submissions: December 31, 2017
Prague, 1–2 December 2017
Submission of paper proposals: 31 July 2017