FZU projects in numbers


In attracting grants and funds for research and development, FZU holds place among the best institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences. FZU scientists are successful in attracting research funding from both national and international funders.


They have so far participated in 75 projects funded by the European Framework Programmes: 22 (FP6), 25 (FP7), and 28 (H2020). Internationalisation of the FZU research environment has been enhanced by a growing number of MSCA Individual fellowships (6 in the last 3 years), collaborative projects such as MSCA ITN and RISE, and also projects from the WIDESPREAD programme (Twinning, Teaming). In 2020 FZU hosts 2 FP7 (ERC Consolidator and ERC Synergy) and 14 H2020 projects.

Also funding from the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) has significantly influenced the research landscape and development in the FZÚ. 23 ESIF projects are currently active (as of 1.1.2020) and the institute is the coordinator of the largest such project in the Czech Republic - the Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI), now a self-standing division. The FZÚ strategic goal to strengthen research in the area of condensed matter physics is currently being realized in the extensive SOLID21 project. Two projects, HR AWARD and STIMUL support our acquisition of the HR Excellence in research Award, received by FZU in 2019, and our effort to remain an attractive employer.

In addition to the international grants, FZÚ has been successful in attracting funding from the national grant agencies and funders such as The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, Czech Science Foundation, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, and the Czech Academy of Sciences. In 2020, for instance, it is hosting 78 grants from the Czech Science Foundation, 4 of them being large EXPRO grants. The FZÚ success rate in this competition is usually around 30 percent.