Call for Applications for the Position of Director of the Institute

The Council of the Institute of Biophysics of the CAS /IBP/ is accepting applications for the position of Director of the Institute.

Expected term of office is from May 1, 2022 to April 30, 2027. See the Institute website for more details:


  • full legal capacity1),
  • no criminal records and no sanctions according to Section 17 (4) (b) and (c) of Act No 341/2005 Coll., on Public Research Institutions, as amended2),
  • university education in one of the fields of research activities of the Institute,
  • scientific or scientific-pedagogic degree,
  • organisational and management skills,
  • experience in the field,
  • significant results in scientific research activities,
  • language skills, good knowledge of Czech and English language,
  • fulfilment of conditions according to Act No 451/1991 Coll., which defines certain other preconditions for the performance of certain functions in state bodies and organizations of the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic, the Czech Republic, and the Slovak Republic, as amended (not applicable to an applicant who is not a citizen of the Czech Republic).

The application should include:

  • structured CV,
  • evidence of university education and scientific qualifications,
  • summary of past work experience,
  • list of main scientific papers and publications,
  • management plan for the institute and the direction of its activities, including the future

development of the institute,

  • criminal records extract no older than 3 months,
  • an affidavit of no criminal records and no sanctions according to Section 17 (4) (c) of Act No 341/2005 Coll.,
  • the selected candidate shall present a proof of fulfilment of the conditions according to Act No. 451/1991 Coll. to the hands of the President of the CAS on the day of the appointment as Director of the Institute, at the latest
  • contact address


1) An applicant who is not a citizen of the Czech Republic shall enclose an affidavit proving the fulfilment of the conditions according to Section 17 (4) of Act No 341/2005.

2) The Director of the Institute may not be a member of the management or supervisory bodies of legal entities that are engaged in business activity and may not engage in business activity of legal entities operating in a field that falls within the scope of the activities of the Institute. These restrictions do not apply to the management of one’s assets (Section 17 (6) of Act No 341/2005 Coll.).


Please write “Call for Applications “on the envelope.

Contacts: phone: +420 541 517 500, e-mail: