CMS Centre for Medieval Studies

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Czech Medieval Sources online

The Czech Medieval Sources online project publishes editions of primary sources important for Czech medieval history. There are 836 volumes available and we add up to 6 new volumes every month. The HyperFontes section contains 103 volumes.

In the interest of maintaining and further developing the database, we would like to ask all users to include the following formulation into publications written with the assistance of Czech Medieval Sources online. Its reporting is not meant to compete with standard dedications, but only serves to provide a statistical record for the purposes of the MŠMT which now sponsors the database.

This study/book has been produced with the assistance of the database Czech Medieval Sources online, provided by the LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ Research Infrastructure (, supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic (Project No. LM2018101).

Please let us know of any comments and suggestions you have for improving Czech Medieval Sources online. Please send us your suggestions at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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The Czech Medieval Sources online project publishes editions of primary sources important for Czech medieval history. There are 797 volumes available and we add up to 6 new volumes every month. The administrators of the project are
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