

Filip Tvrdý: Minulost a budoucnost Turingova testu

08. 04. 2022
Ústav státu a práva, Národní 18, 7. patro, Praha

Filip Tvrdý: Minulost a budoucnost Turingova testu

Pořádá Centrum Karla Čapka pro studium hodnot ve vědě a technice

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Two lectures by Andrzej Leder: Sleepwalking the Revolution/ Solidarność 1980–1989

12. 04. 2022
13. 04. 2022
Academic Conference Centre, Husova 4/ Lounge, Bistro Střecha, Křemencova 7

Two lectures by Andrzej Leder: Sleepwalking the Revolution/ Solidarność 1980–1989

Organized by the Department for the Study of Modern Czech Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, CAS

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Matteo Martelli: History of Greco-Egyptian Alchemy and its Reception

25. 04. 2022
online on zoom

Matteo Martelli: History of Greco-Egyptian Alchemy and its Reception

Organized as a part of the Alchemies of Scent project.

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Digitizing the Past: Prague Talks on Digital Humanities

27. 04. 2022
series of talks (part 1)

Digitizing the Past: Prague Talks on Digital Humanities

Organised by the ERC funded research group TRIPTIC-EU within the Department for the Study of Ancient and Medieval Thought

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Laurie Letertre: Indefinite Causal Orders in Quantum Physics

07. 04. 2022
Centre for Medieval Studies´ Meeting room, Institute of Philosophy CAS, Jilská 1, Prague 1

Laurie Letertre: Indefinite Causal Orders in Quantum Physics

Organized by the Department of Analytic Philosophy of the Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Science

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Sara Dabrowska: Obraz ženy-matky v luteránském umění

29. 03. 2022
Akademické konferenční centrum AV ČR, Husova 4a, Praha 1

Sara Dabrowska: Obraz ženy-matky v luteránském umění

Pořádá Collegium Europaeum FF UK a FLÚ AV ČR, Evangelická církev augsburského vyznání v České republice společně s Lutherovou společností

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Richard Velkley: The Fate of Human Action: The Agency of ‘Reason’ in Modern Philosophy

28. 03. 2022

Richard Velkley: The Fate of Human Action: The Agency of ‘Reason’ in Modern Philosophy

Organized by the Department for the Study of Early Modern Rationality, Institute of Philosophy, CAS

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Christos Kyriacou: Ordinary Language Methodology, Fallibilism and Heuristics and Biases

31. 03. 2022
Meeting room, Institute of Philosophy CAS, Jilská 1, Prague 1

Christos Kyriacou: Ordinary Language Methodology, Fallibilism and Heuristics and Biases

Organized by the Department of Analytical Philosophy of the Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences

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Indrek Reiland: Language as Expression of Thought

17. 03. 2022
Institute of Philosophy CAS, Jilská 1, Prague 1, meeting room

Indrek Reiland: Language as Expression of Thought

Organized by Department of Analytical Philosophy of the Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Science.

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