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Centre Telč


welcome to the website of the Centre Telč of the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the CAS, which provides information about realization and reasearch programme of this project.The project of building the research and development centre was co-funded under the Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovation from the European Regional Development Fund and from the state budget.


More info...


IPERION HS webinar on hyperspectral & multispectral imaging in HS

28 Mar 2022

IPERION HS and E-RIHS are organizing a series of webinars, a key source of state-of-the-art information on heritage science research, facilities, policy and impact. It contributes to developing a vibrant heritage science community and is intended for anyone involved in interdisciplinary heritage research.


Lecture by B. Mikel

25 Mar 2022

The lecture Optical fiber sensors for measurement not only in critical infrastructures will be given by Dr. B. Mikel on Wednesday, April 6 at 2 p.m.


Acoustic emission

Acoustic emission

7 Mar 2022

The lecture Acoustic emission will be given by F. Šorm (ITAM CAS) on Wednesday, April 20, 2022.


IPERION HS webinar on remote sensing-based approach for CH interpretation & monitoring

28 Feb 2022

IPERION HS and E-RIHS are organizing a series of webinars, a key source of state-of-the-art information on heritage science research, facilities, policy and impact. It contributes to developing a vibrant heritage science community and is intended for anyone involved in interdisciplinary heritage research.


Living Danube Limes E-Newsletter No. 3

8 Feb 2022

The E-Newsletter no. 3 of the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme project Living Danube Limes (DTP359) has been published. The Newsletter covers the project events in the second half of 2021.


International Conference SHATIS '22

4 Feb 2022

The sixth edition of International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures (SHATIS’22) will be held from 7th to 9th September in Prague, Czechia.


IPERION HS webinar: New synchrotron light sources and paleontological studies

2 Feb 2022

IPERION HS and E-RIHS are organizing a series of webinars, a key source of state-of-the-art information on heritage science research, facilities, policy and impact. It contributes to developing a vibrant heritage science community and is intended for anyone involved in interdisciplinary heritage research.


Applications for the position of Director of the Institute

2 Feb 2022

The Council of the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences invites applications for the position of Director of the Institute.


Final International Conference STRENCH

13 Jan 2022

You are invited to attend the Final International Conference of the STRENCH project (programme Interreg Central Europe) on 24th February 2022 from 2:30 p.m. The conference will be held online via Zoom.


Living Danube Winter School 2022

28 Dec 2021

Join the 2022 International Winter School in cultural property protection. It will be held online via Zoom from 7th to 11th February, 2022. More information and registration at the Danube University Krems website here.


Climatic Wind Tunnel

Designed as a closed circuit with controlled wind velocity and temperature conditions. It consists of climatic and aerodynamic parts. While the aerodynamic part provides well-fitted conditions to study wind effects on scaled model of prototypes, an equipment of the climatic part is suited for investigation of influences of weather including the wind, temperature, rain and heat radiation. Using the cooling/heating exchanger, cycle temperature changing of the airflow is available in the whole tunnel within the range of -10 to 30 C in relatively short time period. Integral part of the tunnel equipment consists of instruments for airflow diagnostic, data acquisition system, direct pressure surface measurement, precise thermometry and of many other types of handy accessories for instant use. Workshops for manufacturing of testing models are available in the same building.



Roman-catholic diocese of St.Pölten and the city of Brno own a great many buildings, such as churches, rectories and monasteries. These structures do not always have a purpose, which consequently has a negative impact on urban development. Not being in use causes their decay. The current problems are of the same character on both sides of the regions' borders, caused mainly by a negative demographic development and past political events in the course of the 20th century.



Utilization of nanomaterials for sustainable conservation of historical sculptures and architectonic works of litavský limestone.  More at:


GAČR 14-20374P

Během karbonatace vápna je třeba sledovat kvantitativní zastoupení polymorfů CaCO3 (kalcit, aragonit, vaterit) a jejich formační kinetiku. Relativní množství odlišných krystalických forem CaCO3 silně ovlivňuje vlastnosti vápenných malt. Kinetika procesu karbonatace a tvorba polymorfů CaCO3 ve vápenných pastách a omítkách bude zkoumána rentgenovou práškovou difrakcí, Ramanovou spektroskopií a infračervenou spektroskopií s Fourierovou transformací. Termogravimetrická analýza bude použita k určení stupně hydratace a rovněž karbonatace. Skenovací elektronová mikroskopie bude použita ke zkoumání mikrostruktury vzorků na morfologickém základu. Vápenné omítky jsou důležitým stavebním materiálem a v oblasti kulturního dědictví hrají klíčovou roli jako optimální materiál pro opravu historických budov. Očekává se, že výsledky této studie budou mít zásadní přínos ke stávajícím znalostem o kinetickém chování, vývoji fází a morfologii během karbonatační reakce vápenných past a malt.



In the second half of 1990s, an increased attention was paid to the safeguarding of the built heritage and its integration into the life of contemporary society. The complexity of problems of cultural heritage called for modern interdisciplinary approach and this was started in a systematic way in 1995 by founding of a new department of the Institute - the Associated Research Centre for Historic Structures and Sites (ARCHISS) - joining together researchers from two institutes of the Academy of Sciences. The process continued, because of success in grant project competitions and now there are scientists involved in the research from other institutes and universities and two operating research units - one in Prague and one in another World Heritage City of Telč.
