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Mixed-media artist and digital artist-science communicator chosen as artists in residence at the EGU22 General Assembly
  • EGU news
  • 17 March 2022

Jakub Stepanovic, a mixed-media artist who focuses on mapping and the environment and Kelly Stanford, a digital artist and science communicator, have been selected for a residency at the next European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 23–27 May 2022. Our previous Artist in Residence, Elena Popova, will unfortunately no longer be able to join us in 2022.

EGU statement on the invasion of Ukraine
  • EGU news
  • 2 March 2022

The Union is gravely concerned by the recent invasion of Ukraine, and hopes for a swift and peaceful resolution, achieved through co-operation and negotiation, rather than aggression.

Highlight articles

Not all biodiversity rich spots are climate refugia

Biodiversity is under threat from the effects of global warming, and assessing the effects of climate change on areas of high species richness is of prime importance to conservation. Terrestrial and freshwater rich spots have been and will be less affected by climate change than other areas. However, marine rich spots of biodiversity are expected to experience more pronounced warming.

Balanced estimate and uncertainty assessment of European climate change using the large EURO-CORDEX regional climate model ensemble

This research paper proposes an assessment of mean climate change responses and related uncertainties over Europe for mean seasonal temperature and total seasonal precipitation. An advanced statistical approach is applied to a large ensemble of 87 high-resolution EURO-CORDEX projections. For the first time, we provide a comprehensive estimation of the relative contribution of GCMs and RCMs, RCP scenarios, and internal variability to the total variance of a very large ensemble.

The ESA MIPAS/Envisat level2-v8 dataset: 10 years of measurements retrieved with ORM v8.22

The level-2 v8 database from the measurements of the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS), aboard the European Space Agency Envisat satellite, containing atmospheric fields of pressure, temperature, and volume mixing ratio of 21 trace gases, is described in this paper. The database covers all the measurements acquired by MIPAS (from July 2002 to April 2012). The number of species included makes it of particular importance for the studies of stratospheric chemistry.

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