Týden mozku (Week of the Brain) is a unique cycle of lectures on the newest discoveries and trends in brain research and neuroscience, which is a part of the Brain Awareness Week (BAW), the world's largest public awareness campaign on the success and benefits of brain research. The Week of the Brain in the Czech Republic was initiated and established by the Czech neuroscientist, Professor Josef Syka in 1998.


The European Dana Alliance for the Brain (EDAB) is coordinating this event in Europe.


The following institutions are involved in the organisation of the Week of the Brain:



Fot further information please contact:

Mgr. Bc. Tereza Sýkorová
Centre of Administration and Operations of the CAS
Division of External Relations
Department of the Popularisation of Science
Vodičkova 40, 110 00 Praha 1
Tel.: +420 221 403 286