
Academia (CSAS Publishing House) [Academia (nakladatelství ČSAV)]
Includes book fairs and exhibitions, 1960-66: Proposal for exhibits at the New York - Chicago trade-fair (1960), 1st International Exhibition of Reprographic Equipment in Prague - American participation (1966). Sign.33, ser. no. 126, b. 43.

CSAS Astronomical Institute [Astronomický ústav ČSAV]
Staff trips to the USA, 1962-70: High Altitude Observatory (Col. 1962), Mount Wilson and Palomar Observatories (Pasadena 1964), University of South Florida (1970), Smithsonian Institution - Astrophysical Observatory (Cambridge, 1970). Sign.6, ser. no. 270, b. 13.
Reports on visits to the USA, 1974: R. E. McCrosky, J. Lavera, A. Skumanich. Sign.6, ser. no. 287, b. 29.
Conferences and congresses that took place in Czechoslovakia and the USA with foreign participation, esp. International Astronomical Union (IAU), Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), International Astronomical Federation (IAF) - reports, correspondence etc(1961 - 1977). Sign.6, ser. no. 293 -295, 298, b. 31 - 34, 37.

CSAS Geological Institute [Geologický ústav ČSAV]
Scientific conference in Czechoslovakia with American participation (1969 - 1979), e.g. International conference on J. Barrande (1969), International Symposium on Fossil Plants (1977), International Symposium on Methods of Geochemical Prospecting (1979). Sign.621, ser. no. 60, b. 12.
Scientific conference in the USA (1975 - 1978), e.g. Third Rapid Excavation and Tunneling conference, Las Vegas (1976), Third International conference on Basement Tectonics (1978). Sign.623, ser. no. 62, b. 13.

CSAS Geophysical Institute [Geofyzikální ústav ČSAV]
Foreign relations with USA (1963) - report on participation in the 13th General Meeting of the International Union of Geodetics and Geophysics in Berkeley, 19.-31. 8. 1963 (A. Zátopek, O. Praus, M. Pick). Sign.968, ser. no. 145, b. 17.

CSAS Institute of Languages and Literature [Ústav jazyků a literatur ČSAV]
Dispatch of staff to the USA - invitations, negotiations involving their stay, reports (1968 - 1970), e.g. the activities of Czechoslovak scholars at American universities: O. Zilynský, A. V. Isačenko, O. Leška, M. Renovský, correspondence with American scholars and scholarly institutes, visits by American scholars to Czechoslovakia and so forth. ser. no. 126 - 133, b. 18 - 19.

CSAS Institute of Nuclear Biology and Radiochemistry [Ústav nukleární biologie a radiochemie ČSAV]
Foreign relations with the USA (1966 - 1992), esp. National Institute of Health (Bethesda), Bio-Rad Laboratories (Richmond), University of Wisconsin Medical Centre, Battelle-Northwest (Washington), University of Iowa, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University. Sign.620, ser. no. 360, b. 21.

CSAS Institute of Parasitology [Parazitologický ústav ČSAV]
Symposium on theoretical questions of the focality of infections (1963) - correspondence with participants from the USA. Sign.6632, ser. no. 101, b. 5.
Texts of reports by participants from the USA. Sign.67113 - 67140, b. 5 - 6.

CSAS Institute for Philosophy and Sociology [Ústav pro filosofii a sociologii ČSAV]
Collaboration with USA (1968 - 1975), e.g. United Nations Institute for Training and Research - UNITAR (New York), International Recreation Association (New York 1968), National Council of Teachers of English (Illinois), Multinational Comparative Time Budget Research Project, Journal of Leisure Research, University of South Florida, City University of New York, Indiana University, University of Missouri (1969), Lincoln University (1970). Sign.65, ser. no. 40, b. 6.

CSAS Institute of Physical Chemistry [Ústav fyzikální chemie ČSAV]
Foreign relations with the USA (1965 - 1969), e.g. Yale University, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Northwestern University, Indiana University, New York University (1965), Purdue University, Gaylord Associates, Inc. (1965-66), Union Carbide Research Institute, California Institute of Technology, Johns Hopkins University, Georgia Institute of Technology (1966), University of New Brunswick (1966-69), Mayo Clinic (1969), Chemtrix, Inc., Pennsylvania State University, Gelman Instrument Co., University of Florida (1969). Sign.6, ser. no. 90, b. 7.

CSAS Institute of Physics [Fyzikální ústav ČSAV]
Participation in scientific conferences in the USA (1966-72), e.g. negotiations on sending staff, correspondence with the International Commission on Plasma Physics (1972), record of an interview between the CSAS General Secretary, J. Pluhař, and the Vice-President of Central Data Corporation, J. Miles (1967), individuals' study trips abroad - USA, (1963-78): Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics (University of Colorado, 1967), Carnegie-Mellon University (1969), University of California (1969-76), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1970), study trips - visits of American scientists at the Institute of Physics (1974-75). Sign.6, b. 19.

CSAS Institute of Physics of the Atmosphere [Ústav fyziky atmosféry ČSAV]
6 th International Conference on Condensing Nuclei in Alabany (1965 - 1966) - dealings involving participation, agendas, correspondence, conference report. Sign.654, ser. no. 128, b. 14.
International Quiet Sun Years, Atmospheric Electric Investigations (1964 - 1965) - correspondence with Research and Advanced Development Division (Wilmington). Sign.661, ser. no. 124, b. 14.
Relations with the USA (1965 - 1970), e.g.. correspondence with Geophysics Corporation of America (Bedford, 1965), H. K. Weickmann (1965), AVCO Corporation, National Center for Atmospheric Research, University of New York, University of Nevada (1966), University of Chicago, Colorado State University (1968), Intercon Research Associates (Chicago, 1969), University of Wyoming (1970), School of Aerospace Engineering (Atlanta, 1974), Atmospherics Incorporated (1973), atd. Sign.6816, ser. no. 157, b. 18.

CSAS Institute of the Theory and Methodology of Science [Kabinet teorie a metodologie vědy ČSAV]
Foreign relations and collaboration - USA (1968): List of foreign collaborators, nomination for the award of an honour to R. Carnap, notification of honorary membership for L. Tondl at the Philosophy of Science Association. Sign.61, ser. no. 36, b. 2.
Foreign relations with USA - proposals for trips, correspondence with universities, societies, scholarly institutes and individuals (1968 - 1970), e.g. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Harvard University, University of Texas, University of Pennsylvania, Columbia University, Boston University, Michigan State University, National Research Council, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institute for the Future - New York, Yale University, Stanford University, Bowling Green University, Institute for Advanced Study, University of Hawaii, Princeton Theological Seminary, Arthur D. Little, Inc., University of Wisconsin, University of Bridgeport, University of Pittsburgh, National Academy of Science, Portland State University, Cornell University, correspondence with R. S. Cohen. Sign.6621, ser. no. 69, b. 4.
Visits abroad - proposals, records on the course of visits - USA (1968 - 1970): Farell, A. Karson, R. Ewell, D. Easten, Ch. C. West, D. Hecker. Sign.67, ser. no. 72, b. 4

CSAS Laboratory for Research into the Ultrastructure of Cells and Tissues [Laborator pro vyzkum ultrastruktury bunek a tkani CSAV]
Conferences with American participation (1957 - 1971), esp. 3 rd European Regional Conference on Electron Microscopy (1964, extensive correspondence on American participation), also incl. Conference on Electron Microscopy (1965), 5 th International Conference on Sarcoidosis(1969). Sign.621, ser. no. 40/1 - 11, b. 4 - 6.

CSAS Laboratory of Scientific Film [Laboratoř vědeckého filmu ČSAV]
Foreign relations with USA (1960 - 1973), e.g. Medical News TV (1960), University of California (1962), agendas of congresses taking place in USA, e.g. 1st American Science film Association (1964), Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers (SPSE), International Conference (1964), Indiana University presentation of films, correspondence with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1967), Indiana University, State University of New York, Temple University, Philadelphia, film Associates California, SPSE, McGraw-Hill book Co., New York (1968), L-W Photo Incorporation California (1969), SPSE (1970 - 1971), University of Southern California (1971), A. Gordon Enterprise, California, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (1972). Sign.640, ser. no. 119, b. 8.

CSAS Mining Research Institute [Hornický ústav ČSAV]
Scientific congres in the USA - agenda, invitations, congress reports (1961 - 1968): International Symposium on Mining Research (Missouri, 1961), 5th International congress on the Preparation of Black Coal (Pittsburgh, 1966), 2nd International conference on Opencut Mining (Minneapolis, 1968). Sign.623, ser. no. 155, b. 59.

CSAS Oriental Institute [Orientální ústav ČSAV]
Materials relating to lectures by Czech orientalists and sinologists at American universities (1963 - 1968). Sign.61219- 61224, ser. no. 139 - 144, b. 24-25. Long-term visits abroad by orientalists, emigration - USA, 1966-72. Sign.613, ser. no. 150, b. 26.
27 th International Congress of Orientalists, Ann Arbor, Michigan (1967-68) - invitations, correspondence, prohibition on Czechoslovak orientalists' participation by Communist authorities. Sign.6216, ser. no. 155, b. 27.
Collaboration with USA (1955 - 1971), e.g. correspondence - L. A. Mawerick (1955), D. W. Conde (1960), report on a visit by Prof. Hamp (1961), negotiations over a trip by J. Průšek to Harvard University (1962), report on a trip by J. Průšek to USA (1963), report on participation by J. Průšek at the 9 th  Congress of the International Federation for Modern Languages and Literature in New York (1963), correspondence with N. Barnard (Smithsonian Institution), R. L. Irick (Harvard University), H. N. Nahashon (Augustana Academy), Library of Congress, University of California (1964), J. A. B. van Buitenen (University of Chicago), E. Wu (Hoover Institute - report on his stay in Prague), Ch. J. Alber (1965), Permanent International Altaistic Conference (1966), Far-Eastern Prehistory Association, Hawaii (1967), University of Michigan Association for Asian Studies (1969), S. Cheyney-Coker (University of Wisconsin, 1971). Sign. 68, ser. no. 241, b. 41.

CSAS Slavonic Institute [Slovanský ústav ČSAV]
Foreign relations with the USA (1957) - visit by R. Jakobson. Sign.6, ser. no. 238, b. 22.


Czechoslovak Society for Psychology affiliated to CSAS [Československá psychologická společnost při ČSAV]
Relations with the USA- correspondence, reports (1963 - 1973), e.g. report from the 16th International congress on Psychology in the USA (1963), K. R. Hammond (University of Colorado, visit to Czechoslovakia), meeting of Czechoslovak and American psychologists (1966), relations with IUSP (1964 - 1976): R. W. Russell (Columbia University, New York, 1964), E. Jacobson (Michigan State University, 1967-1970), W. H. Holtzman (University of Texas, Austin, 1973 - 1976), American Psychological Association (Washington, 1967 - 1973), New York University - Bellevue Medical Centre (1971), University of Houston (Texas, 1972). Sign.6, ser. no. 83, b. 11.

CSAS Czechoslovak National Commitee for the International Biological Programme [Československý národní komitét pro mezinárodní biologický program při ČSAV]
ICSU (International Council of Scientific Unions) - general meetings, reports on activities - US representation (1963 - 1971). Sign.623, ser. no. 31, b. 6.
Special IBP Committee (SCIBP) - reports on meetings and activities - US representation (1964 - 1974), IBP general meetings - reports on activities of sections - US representation (1964 - 1972), conferences abroad and meetings of individual IBP sections - US representation (1965 - 1974). Sign.625-627, ser. no. 33-35, b. 6-7.

Commission for Scientific Research Film affiliated to the CSAS Presidium [Komise pro vědeckovýzkumný film při presidiu ČSAV]
Foreign relations with the USA (1963 - 1966), e.g. University of California (1963 - 1964), Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (Atlanta, 1963 - 1964), International Conference on Photographic Science and Engineering (1963), General Aniline & film Corporation, New York (1964 - 1966), Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers (1964), Indiana University (1964 - 1965), National Educational Television, New York (1964), American Science Film Association (1964), Encyclopedia Britannica Film Inc. (Illinois, 1966). Sign.640, ser. no. 63, b. 4.

1 st CSAS Section - Mathematics and Physics [I. (matematicko-fyzikální) sekce ČSAV]
Foreign and international scientific societies and their Czechoslovak national committees (1959 - 1960): Astronomical Society of the Pacific (1959), Seismological Society of America (1960). S er. no. 70, b. 21.
Foreign Congresses, Conferences and other meetings arranged in the USA - negotiations on participation (1957 - 1961): Conferences of Atomic Physicists (Rochester, 1957 - 1958), URSI congress (Boulder, 1957), Congress of the International Astronomical Union (Berkeley, 1961). Ser. no. 72, b. 22.
Foreign relations with USA (1956 - 1961), e.g. report on relations between Czechoslovak and American scientists (1956), correspondence with Z. Kopal (Washington, 1957 - 1960) etc. Ser. no. 73, b. 23.

2 nd CSAS Section - Geological - Geographical [II. (geologicko-geografická) sekce ČSAV]
Foreign Congresses - USA (1959 - 1961): Oceanographic congress (New York, 1959), 14th International IUPA Conference (Philadelphia, 1961), Analytical Symposium (State University Louisiana, 1961). Ser. no. 97, b. 18.

4 th CSAS Section - Biological - Medical [IV. (biologicko-lékařská) sekce ČSAV]
Congresses, symposia and other meetings in the USA - negotiations on participation (1958 - 1961): Symposium on the Central Nervous System and Behaviour (1958), Conference on Diagnostics (1958), Biological Symposium on Questions of Genetics (1959), Conference on Antimicrobial Materials and Chemotherapy (1961), 12 th International IAF Congress (Washington, 1961), International Neurosurgical Congress (Washington, 1961). Ser. no. 105, b. 45.

6 th CSAS Section - Historical - Philosophical (Historical) [VI. sekce ČSAV - historicko-filosofická (historická)]
Congresses, symposia and other meetings in the USA (1956 - 1961): International Congress on Anthropological and Ethnological Studies in Philadelphia (1956), International Congress on the History of Sciences (1961). Ser. no. 86-87, b. 23, 24.

Organization Department of the CSAS Presidium Secretariat [Organizační odbor Sekretariátu presidia ČSAV]
Proposal to start collaboration with the Ford Foundation in providing grants to Czechoslovak scientists and other specialists, analysis of the opportunities for using grants offered by American universities, foundations and other institutes (1966). Sign.3a, ser. no. 65, b. 17.
Materials relating to the lecture tour of American universities by the Czech sinologist J. Průšek. Sign.3a, ser. no. 94, b. 19.

CSAS management and administration [Řízení a správa ČSAV 1989 - 1992]
Offers of collaboration and assistance by Western European and American institutes to CSAS (1990 - 1991): International Research Marketing, German Marshall Fund and Rockfeller Brother Foundation. Sign.12, ser. no. 52, b. 21.

World Federation of Scientific Workers - Prague Regional Centre [Světová federace vědeckých pracovníků - Regionální centrum Praha]
7 th  conference, Stowe, Vermont (5.- 9. 9. 1961) - "International Cooperation in Pure and Applied Science" - draft agenda, declaration, conference report. Sign.11, ser. no. 116, b. 39.
8 th  conference, Stowe, Vermont, USA (11. - 16. 9. 1961) -"Disarmament and World Security" - similar materials. Sign.11, ser. no. 117, b. 39.
13 th  conference, Karlovy Vary (13. - 19. 9. 1964) - "Disarmanent and Peaceful Collaboration among Nations" - preparatory materials - incl. Cyrus Eaton, Henry Kissinger and others. Sign.11, ser. no. 122, b. 43.
20 th  conference, Fontana (9. - 15. 9. 1970) - "Peace and International Co-operation" -preparatory materials, correspondence, declaration. Sign.11, ser. no. 129, b. 51.
11 th Pugwash Symposium, Stanford, California (1.- 4. 9. 1970) - "Science and Technology in Development" - preparatory materials. Sign.11, ser. no. 146, b. 54.