Advances in the molecular cytogenetics of bananas family Musaceae

Šimoníková, D., Čížková, J., Zoulová, V., Christelová, P., Hřibová, E.
PLANTS 11 : 482 , 2022
Keywords: flow cytometry; chromosomes; fluorescence in situ hybridization; rRNA genes; DNA repeats; BAC clones; oligo painting; karyotyping

B chromosomes in genus Sorghum (Poaceae)

Bednářová, M., Karafiátová, M., Hřibová, E., Bartoš, J.
PLANTS 10 : 505 , 2021
Keywords: B chromosomes; supernumerary chromosomes; Sorghum; chromosome elimination; phylogenesis; evolution

Decorative Magnolia Plants: A Comparison of the Content of Their Biologically Active Components Showing Antimicrobial Effects

Lovecká P., Svobodová A., Macůrková A., Vrchotová B., Demnerová K., Wimmer Z.
PLANTS 9 : 879 , 2020
Keywords: Magnolia genus, Staphylococcus aureus, medium-polar extract, neolignan, magnolol, obovatol, honokiol, antimicrobial activity

Physiological and Transcriptomic Response of Grey Poplar (Populus x canescens Aiton Sm.) to Cadmium Stress

Komárková M., Chromý J., Pokorná E., Soudek P., Máchová P.
PLANTS 9 : 1485 , 2020
Keywords: cadmium; gene expression; grey poplar; microsatellite analysis; mineral uptake; translocation factor

Plant Triterpenoid Crosstalk: The Interaction of Brassinosteroids and Phytoecdysteroids in Lepidium sativum

Tarkowská D., Krampolová E., Strnad M.
PLANTS 9 : 1325 , 2020
Keywords: triterpenoids; brassinosteroids; phytoecdysteroids; Lepidium sativum; plant growth

The Dynamics of Cytokinin Changes after Grafting of Vegetative Apices on Flowering Rapeseed Plants

Tarkowská D., Filek M., Krekule J., Biesaga-Kościelniak J., Marciñska I., Popielarska-Konieczna M., Strnad M.
PLANTS 8 : 78 , 2019
Keywords: cytokinins, reproductive development, Brassica napus, grafting, shoot apical meristem