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2021 2022 2023
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1 Oct 21 - 6 Feb 23
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Long-range assembly of sequences helps to unravel the genome structure and small variation of the wheat–Haynaldia villosa translocated chromosome 6VS.6AL

Xing, L., Yuan, L., Lv, Z., Wang, Q., Yin, Ch., Huang, Z., Liu, J., Cao, S., Zhang, R., Chen, P., Karafiátová, M., Vrána, J., Bartoš, J., Doležel, J., Cao, A.

Klíčová slova: wheat–Haynaldia villosa translocation line T6VS.6AL, Chicago long-range linkage assembly, genome annotation, InDel markers, physical bin map
Abstrakt: Genomics studies in wild species of wheat have been limited due to the lack of references; however, new technologies and bioinformatics tools have much potential to promote genomic research. The wheat–Haynaldia villosa translocation line T6VS6AL has been widely used as a backbone parent of wheat breeding in China. Therefore, revealing the genome structure of translocation chromosome 6VS6AL will clarify how this chromosome formed and will help to determine how it affects agronomic traits. In this study, chromosome flow sorting, NGS sequencing and Chicago long-range linkage assembly were innovatively used to produce the assembled sequences of 6VS6AL, and gene prediction and genome structure characterization at the molecular level were effectively performed. The analysis discovered that the short arm of 6VS6AL was actually composed of a large distal segment of 6VS, a small proximal segment of 6AS and the centromere of 6A, while the collinear region in 6VS corresponding to 230–260 Mb of 6AS-Ta was deleted when the recombination between 6VS and 6AS occurred. In addition to the molecular mechanism of the increased grain weight and enhanced spike length produced by the translocation chromosome, it may be correlated with missing GW2-V and an evolved NRT-V cluster. Moreover, a fine physical bin map of 6VS was constructed by the high-throughput developed 6VS-specific InDel markers and a series of newly identified small fragment translocation lines involving 6VS. This study will provide essential information for mining of new alien genes carried by the 6VS6AL translocation chromosome.
DOI: 10.1111/pbi.13570
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Autoři z ÚEB: Jan Bartoš, Jaroslav Doležel, Miroslava Karafiá..., Jan Vrána