This project, aiming at preparation of novel micro- and nano-structured materials and systems, their modification by radiation and other techniques, their characterization by full arsenal of diagnostic methods available at participant laboratories, and the study of their chemical, physico-chemical and bio-properties, is inherently multidisciplinary and its goals cannot be achieved under standard research financing. Cooperation of 4 participants will lead to strong synergetic effect on common research. Attention will be paid to systems with potential application in medicine, tissue engineering, microelectronics, optoelectronics and sensor construction and further to processes of diffusion, aggregation, self-organization, material degradation by irradiation, interaction of cells with new materials and effects of radiation on biological objects (e.g. living cells). Nuclear analytical techniques will be used in material and biomedical and environmental research. The project will involve master and PhD students, who will asquire partical experience in multidisciplinary research.