I want to help

Sites with the Czech flag 🇨🇿 are in Czech, but can be viewed in English using Google Translate.

Financial support

Collection points


Medical supplies

In a joint statement, the Ministry of Health (MZČR) and the State Institute for Drug Control asked the citizens of the Czech Republic not to buy up medical supplies in bulk with the intention of delivering them to Ukraine. In this regard, MZČR coordinates offers of assistance from manufacturers and distributors directly with the Czech Association of Pharmaceutical Companies and the Czech Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry. Other organizations offering assistance can contact MZČR directly at [email protected].


NOTE: Before you go to any collection points, first make sure that they are still receiving material. Some collections have already moved into the sorting process and do not have storage capacity. If you have any free time, you can help as a volunteer by appointment.

Humanitarian aid collection points


House of National Minorities

Vocelova 3, Praha 2, every day, 8:00-19:00 – collecting medical and military equipment. Tel. +420 776 869 307 a +420 776 869 274
See what’s currently needed on Facebook.

Student Dormitory Švehlova

The reception of the Švehlova Dormitory, Slavíkova 1499, Prague 3 (6:00–24:00), Kateřina Junáková, +420 770 141 722, [email protected]
See what’s currently needed on 🇨🇿 Facebook


Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren, Husova kaple, Husovo nám. 378/40, 104 00 Praha 22. Items collected are being announced on 🇨🇿 Facebook


Faculty of Architecture, VUT

Galerie MINI, Poříčí 273/5, Brno  (entered from the Bělidla street or through the main entrance; see this map),
Mon - Fri: 6:00 to 20:00, Sat - Sun: 08:00 to 18:00
See this map.


Generála Píky 7, Brno-Královo Pole, every day, 11:00–19:00

Expediční klubovna Brno

Jezuitská 1, Brno-střed
Mon-Sun 9:00 - 21:00


Vodovody a kanalizace

Milheimova 2927

Old train station (Staré vlakové nádraží)

Hlaváčova 2801

Church of Panna Marie Sedmibolestná

Bílé Předměstí, intersection of streets Štrossova and Dašická, 53003, Phone: +420 777 904 901 (every day)

Other cities and towns


Greek Catholic Church, Malé náměstí 2, Phone: +420 603 321 578

Opatov – Fara

Opatov 10, 58805, Filip Boháč: Phone: 604 169 503 (private individual)

NOTE: Before you go to any collection points, first make sure that they are still receiving material. Some collections have already moved into the sorting process and do not have storage capacity. If you have any free time, you can help as a volunteer by appointment.

Other information




Work & Requalification

School and children

Psychological help

  • 🇨🇿 Psychological help for citizens – directory of psychological help in the Czech Republic, via the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic
  • 🇨🇿 Social clinic – psychotherapeutic assistance for people affected by the war in Ukraine
  • 🇨🇿 VOS.health app – looking for Ukrainian translators and copywriters, Ukrainian-speaking psychologists and therapists
  • Palacky University (Olomouc)  is looking for translators, lawyers and psychologists to help Ukrainian students

Legal help

  • YOUkraine
    The YOUkraine initiative brings together independent experts and volunteers from the Czech Republic and abroad with focus on legal and psychological support, translation and interpretation, relocation and social services
  • Association for Integration and Migration – looking for volunteers, interns, sympathizers and more
  • UA.Support
    Pro bono legal help for Ukrainian refugees in different countries.
  • Palacky University (Olomouc) is looking for translators, lawyers and psychologists to help Ukrainian students
  • 🇨🇿 Czech Bar Association - call for lawyers to volunteer their services to assist Ukrainians (asylum, labor, international law)
  • PRO BONO consultations, organized by 🇨🇿 Veronika Plešková – looking for lawyers, translators, psychologists and more

Help for animals

Financial assistance

Voluntary assistance to animals (temporary care, transport, homes)

  • 🇨🇿 Veganfighterform, where you can enroll as a volunteer for temporary or permanent care of UA animals transported to the Czech Republic (in Czech)
  • 🇨🇿 Pes web – another form where you can volunteer for temporary or permanent care of small animals from Ukraine
  • Europe-wide shared map – where you can also volunteer (Polish initiative – use in English / Polish)


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic warns against any trips to Ukraine.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic calls Czech citizens to leave Ukraine immediately.

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Kiev and the Consulate General in Lviv were temporarily closed.

In case of emergency for Czech citizens in Ukraine, contact the emergency line of the Consulate General of Lviv at the telephone number +380 673 749 701, or on the Czech telephone number +420 222 264 234.

Source: 🇨🇿 Information for Czechs in Ukraine and for Ukrainians in the Czech Republic and Ukraine
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

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