Galen's Epistemology. Experience, Reason, and Method in Ancient Medicine
Slavnostní uvedení knihy
Proof in Natural Philosophy: Between Antiquity and the Early Modern Period
19–21 May 2022
Studying the Arts in Medieval Bohemia II: Production, Reception and Transmission of Knowledge at the Arts Faculty of Prague University in the Middle Ages
The University of Prague, founded in 1348 as the first European university east of the Rhine and north of the Alps, was one of the most important universities in the Holy Roman Empire until the crisis of 1409 when German scholars left Prague. Its students and teachers hailed from almost every corner of Europe, with the majority coming from Central Europe. Since its foundation, the university had accepted the doctrines of other European centres of learning, such as Oxford and Paris, but also gradually began to serve as an institution that produced and disseminated knowledge to other universities and schools, such as Cracow. Similar to its 2016 predecessor (https://bit.ly/33pLXKp), this conference aims to explore better the processes of the production, reception and transmission of knowledge in Central Europe, with an emphasis on the University of Prague and in particular its Faculty of Arts around 1348–1500. The conference focuses on the doctrines and texts associated with the Prague Faculty of Arts and its students and masters (including physicians and theologians), as well as papers dealing with broader topics in which the Prague Faculty of Arts and its members played a part or had a more distant role. The conference will be hybrid (in-person and online). Only participants giving a paper will be accepted to participate in person. We invite other interested colleagues to register by filling in the form at the following link: https://forms.gle/KxDsa5fgWRCLQiCQ7 Only registered colleagues will receive a Zoom link to participate in the meeting virtually. For more information, contact Ota Pavlíček (Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.).
Kolokvium k antické filosofii: work in progress
Pavol Labuda - Aristotelova teória jazyka vo svetle Phys. I,1 (184a10-b14)
Kolokvium k antické filosofii: work in progress
The Teleology of Practical in Aristotle
Kolokvium k antické filosofii: work in progress
Předměty matematiky mezi Platónem a Aristotelem
Kolokvium k antické filosofii: work in progress
Pneuma a věštění v Synesiově spise O snech