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IPERION HS webinar: New synchrotron light sources and paleontological studies

IPERION HS and E-RIHS are organizing a series of webinars, a key source of state-of-the-art information on heritage science research, facilities, policy and impact. It contributes to developing a vibrant heritage science community and is intended for anyone involved in interdisciplinary heritage research.

The speaker, Douglas Galante (Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials) will present a talk on new synchrotron light sources and palaeontological studies.

How can new synchrotron light sources contribute to palaeontological studies? Which are the most advanced methodologies? How can these sources be applied to real conservation problems?

Join webinar 02/2022, “ New synchrotron light sources and paleontological studies”, on February, 8th 2022, at 3.00 pm Rome time: you will come away with a clear understanding of the new synchrotron light sources applied to palaeontological studies and conservation.
More information and registration here: https://www.iperionhs.eu/webinar-02-2022/


If you are interested in watching the video recordings of past webinars, you can visit http://www.iperionhs.eu/webinar-series/ or the E-RIHS Youtube channel .

2. 2. 2022