

Press releases

04. 05. 2022
Commonly used radiation therapy kills cancer cells by inflicting extensive DNA damage to the irradiated tissue. An international team including several researchers at the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague ...
26. 04. 2022
In this work, we have explored communities of fungi colonizing the gastrointestinal tract of primates, also known as the primate mycobiome. ...
26. 04. 2022
VDI monitor, or, a simple and non-invasive way to implant a pacemaker as efficiently as possible. This particular technology, developed by scientists from the Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS in Brno in collaboration with partners, ...
22. 04. 2022
Unique structures, called guanine quadruplexes (G4), have been discovered by a team of Czech scientists in the genetic information of a tick-borne encephalitis virus. ...
20. 04. 2022
An international team of scientists led by Hana Hanzlíková from the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Keith Caldecott from the University of Sussex in the UK has discovered which sites in the DNA molecule ...
13. 04. 2022
The atomically sharp domain walls that were discovered by an international team led by researchers from the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, might considerably improve the research of ulta-fast memory devices made from ...

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 +420 777 970 812

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 +420 739 535 007

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