Soudobé dějiny/CJCH

The journal Soudobé dějiny/Czech Journal of Contemporary History, published since 1993, is an academic, peer-reviewed, historical journal specialising in the history of the 20th and 21st century, with a focus on Czechoslovak and Czech themes in the broader international context. It publishes studies in Czech, Slovak and English and appears in print as well as electronically (Open Access – CC BY-NC license) three times a year (30 April, 31 August, and 31 December). The journal is published by the Institute of Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences and it is managed by the Editorial Team with the support of the Editorial Board.
The aim of Soudobé dějiny/CJCH is to contribute to a deeper and fact-based understanding of the recent past, the cultivation of collective memory and the establishment of contemporary history as a distinct historical discipline in the Czech Republic and in Central Europe. The journal publishes original contributions focusing on historical research. It aspires to be as thematically, methodologically, disciplinary and stylistically open as possible. The journal sees itself as a platform for academic discussions and debates. The journal aims to be relevant beyond the academic sphere, particularly for history teachers and the broader educated public. The journal is indexed in the CrossRef, CEEOL, ERIH PLUS and (since 2021) SCOPUS databases. The reviews published in the journal are also available on All the journal issues are preserved and archived by National Library of Czech Republic (printed version ISSN 1210-7050) and National Library of Technology of Czech Republic (online version ISSN 2695-0952).