Further information
Poster pdf
Keynote Speakers
Bruce Bégout (Université Bordeaux-Montaigne, Bordeaux)
Annabelle Dufourcq (Radboud University, Nijmegen)
With the Participation of:
Daniela Matysová (Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy /Charles University, Faculty of Humanities)
Martin Nitsche (Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy)
Karel Novotný (Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy /Charles University, Faculty of Humanities)
Petr Prášek (Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy)
Oliver Thorne (New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling, London)
Jonas Vanbrabant (Charles University, Faculty of Humanities)
Cristina Vendra (Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy)
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The workshop is organized as a part of the GAČR research project “Face of Nature in Contemporary French Phenomenology” (GAP 21-22224S) at the Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy, Department of Contemporary Continental Philosophy.