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5 Apr 14 - 1 Mar 25
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Functionalized nanostructures for biosensing

Sponsor: US Army

Principal investigator: Prof. Jiří Homola, Ph.D., DSc.

From: 2013-09-18

To: 2014-09-17

This project is concerned with the research of plasmonic nanostructures and biomolecular functionalization for optical chemical sensing and biosensing based on Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR), Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS), and Surface-Enhanced Infra-Red Absorption (SEIRA) Spectroscopy. In this project, plasmonic nanostructures developed at the Institute of Photonics and Electronics (IPE) and those prepared at the Imperial College, London (IC) will be functionalized with specific biomolecular recognition elements by IPE and evaluated by both the collaborating groups. New functionalized plasmonic nanostructures will enable rapid, sensitive and specific detection of a wide range of threats, including explosives and biological warfare agents.



IPE carries out fundamental and applied research in the scientific fields of photonics, optoelectronics and electronics. In these fields, IPE generates new knowledge and develops new technologies.

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