Jiří Homola, director of IPE of the Czech Academy of Sciences, is one of the 10 most cited scientists in the Czech Republic. Congratulations!

According to a study published in Lidové noviny on April 21, 2018, prof. Jiří Homola, Ph.D., DSc., director of IPE of the Czech Academy of Sciences, is among top 10 elite researchers working in the Czech Republic whose work has the highest number of quotations. In a citation study based on the Scopus scientific database, prof. J. Homola is the most cited physicist and overall he is fourth (after chemists Prof. P. Hobza and Prof. R. Zbořil and botanist Prof. P. Pyšek). Citation of publications is one of the most important criteria for the evaluation of scientific work and reflects the quality and timeliness of scientific research.

See the article of Lidové noviny online (in Czech only)




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