Browse Articles
Future Land Precipitation Changes Over the North American Monsoon Region Using CMIP5 and CMIP6 Simulations
-  28 April 2022
Key Points
CMIP6 models capture climatological land precipitation related to the North American Monsoon
Reductions in early monsoon land precipitation balanced by increasing precipitation in the late monsoon season
Changes of land precipitation driven by dynamic response with greater subsidence
Aerosol‐Radiation Interactions in China in Winter: Competing Effects of Reduced Shortwave Radiation and Cloud‐Snowfall‐Albedo Feedbacks Under Rapidly Changing Emissions
-  27 April 2022
Key Points
GEOS-Chem aerosols are for the first time coupled to radiation in an Earth System Model to examine aerosol-radiation interactions in China
Absorbing aerosols aloft may reduce clouds and snowfall, causing more surface absorption of radiation despite aerosol attenuation overhead
Aerosol-radiation interactions over China in winter can increase concentrations of particulate matter in surface air by ∼10%–20%
4D‐Var Inversion of European NH3 Emissions Using CrIS NH3 Measurements and GEOS‐Chem Adjoint With Bi‐Directional and Uni‐Directional Flux Schemes
-  27 April 2022
Key Points
First 4D-Var inversion to include bi-directional flux of NH3, based on CrIS NH3 and cross-validated with surface observations
Bi-directional flux reduces posterior regional NH3 emissions by 10%–20% annually (monthly up to 34%), compared to uni-directional emissions
Posterior NH3 emissions generally improve simulated seasonality and magnitude of NH3 and NHx wet deposition
Synergistic Use of Far‐ and Mid‐Infrared Spectral Radiances for Satellite‐Based Detection of Polar Ice Clouds Over Ocean
-  27 April 2022
Key Points
Far-infrared (IR) scattering and absorption can be used together for ice cloud detection in passive remote sensing of polar regions
The far-IR ice phase test is most useful for ice particle effective diameters less than 40 µm
Both the far-IR and mid-IR ice phase tests are more sensitive to ice particle size than to cloud top pressure and optical depth
Impacts of Suppressing Excessive Light Rain on Aerosol Radiative Effects and Health Risks
-  26 April 2022
Key Points
Suppression of light rain increases the total radiative effect of aerosols by −1.4 W/m2, even larger than aerosol anthropogenic effects
Elevated air pollution increases the health risks, with estimated global premature mortality increased by 300,000 deaths per year
Reduced excessive light rain by suppressing too frequent convection has little effect on anthropogenic aerosol forcing
The Influence of Convectively Coupled Kelvin Waves on Atlantic Niños
-  26 April 2022
Key Points
Strong convectively coupled Kelvin waves (CCKWs) can help trigger Atlantic Niño events, even under unfavorable preconditions
CCKWs induce surface westerly wind anomalies, which trigger oceanic Kelvin waves that change the east–west slope of the thermocline
CCKWs provide an atmospheric source for Atlantic Niños, uncorrelated to the previously known coupled ocean-atmosphere sources
Interannual Impact of the North Atlantic Tripole SST Mode on the Surface Potential Vorticity Over the Tibetan Plateau During Boreal Summer
-  26 April 2022
Key Points
Leading variation in surface potential vorticity (PV) over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is closely related to the TP’s thermal and dynamic forcings during summer
The North Atlantic tripole sea surface temperature (SST) mode could influence surface PV over the TP via Rossby wave, PV-θ mechanism, and local positive feedback
The middle center in the tripole SST mode is critical in triggering the Rossby wave train affecting the TP
The Character and Changing Frequency of Extreme California Fire Weather
-  24 April 2022
Key Points
Fire weather types (WTs) are shown to be related to the largest burned area days in recent decades in eight Californian regions
Increases in Diablo and Santa Ana WT events during the 20th century are primarily caused by natural climate variability
Changing greenhouse gas and aerosol forcing significantly increase thermal-low WTs in coastal regions and the western Sierra
Melting Behavior of Rimed and Unrimed Snowflakes Investigated With Statistics of Triple‐Frequency Doppler Radar Observations
-  23 April 2022
Key Points
We investigated the growth or shrinking of snowflakes in the melting layer using statistics of multi-frequency Doppler radar observations
Reflectivity flux analysis indicates only slight differences for unrimed or rimed particles
Growth or shrinking processes either compensate each other or have, on average, only a small impact on the reflectivity flux
The effects of surface curvature and temperature on charge transfer during ice‐ice collisions
-  5 May 2022
Key Points
Charge transfer between ice surfaces, of differing curvatures, in under-saturated and near-saturation environments
In collisions between frozen water surfaces, the more under-saturated charges positive
Conditions for a quasi-liquid layer disappear at contact; a new quasi liquid layer must be established about any bridging spicules
Validity of global fog‐day trends indicated by the Global Surface Summary of the Day (GSOD) dataset
-  5 May 2022
Key Points
Global and regional trends in fog days are determined with the original GSOD ground station data
Deviations in the daily mean visibility timeseries are found during fog days, indicating a potential change in fog day determination
A method is constructed to remove stations with artificial trends, and the fog day trends in the remaining 1,696 are explored
Diurnal rainfall response to the physiological and radiative effects of CO2 in tropical forests in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model v1
-  4 May 2022
Key Points
Physiological and radiative effects of CO2 both dampen the diurnal cycle of rainfall in tropical forest regions \
Physiological effect of CO2 reduces transpiration, dries boundary layer, and raises the LCL, decreasing deep convective rainfall
Radiative effect of CO2 reduces CAPE leading to reductions in deep convective frequency and rainfal
Contribution of gravity waves to universal vertical wavenumber (∼) spectra revealed by a gravity‐wave‐permitting general circulation model
-  4 May 2022
Key Points
Using a gravity-wave-permitting general circulation model, vertical wavenumber (
) spectra in the whole middle atmosphere were examined
Characteristics of the model-simulated
spectra of gravity waves are broadly consistent with observations
Disturbances other than gravity waves contribute substantially to the lowest
part of the ∼
Contrasting Stratospheric Smoke Mass and Lifetime from 2017 Canadian and 2019/2020 Australian Megafires: Global Simulations and Satellite Observations
-  4 May 2022
Key Points
GEOS5 and CESM1 predict similar removal timescales of stratospheric smoke injected by megafires
Removal timescales of smoke with a 2% effective mass fraction of black carbon match observations
Removal timescales and plume peak heights are sensitive to injection height, loading, and mixing state
A Simple Model for Tropical Convective Cloud Shield Area Growth and Decay Rates Informed by Geostationary IR, GPM, and Aqua/AIRS Satellite Data
-  2 May 2022
Key Points
A simple analytical model for cloud area growth and decay rates is developed, with a source term driven by convective cell diabatic heating
The model works equally well for convective systems of varying duration and degrees of convective organization over both land and ocean
The model suggests that a system convective area fraction of ∼ 0.15 is needed for stratiform cloud area maintenance
Polarimetric Size Sorting Signatures in the Convective Regions of Mesoscale Convective Systems in PECAN: Implications on Kinematics, Thermodynamics, and Precipitation Pathways
-  2 May 2022
Key Points
A positive correlation exists between the magnitudes of size sorting signatures and convective depth
Larger size sorting magnitudes are associated with more riming growth and quicker graupel fallout
Intense convective precipitation in the PECAN MCSs seems to be dominated more by cold rain processes than warm rain processes
Moisture sources and climatic controls of precipitation stable isotopes over the Tibetan Plateau in water‐tagging simulations
-  2 May 2022
Key Points
Precipitation δ18O over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is simulated with an AGCM implemented with water-tagging capability
South Asia and the Indian Ocean (the westerlies) contribute the most to precipitation δ18O in the southern (northern) TP
Variability of precipitation δ18O in the monsoon-controlled domain is dominated by rainout processes and moisture location changes
Cause of a lower‐tropospheric high‐ozone layer in spring over Hanoi
-  29 April 2022
Key Points
Ozonesonde observations in Hanoi, Vietnam, for about fourteen years since 2004 display an ozone enhancement at ∼3 km altitude in March–April
Enhanced ozone air at ∼3 km originates from burning areas west of Hanoi whereas low-ozone near-surface air is marine from the east
Model experiments show biomass fires in the Indochina Peninsula are the cause of Hanoi’s enhanced ozone
Cloud morphology evolution in Arctic cold‐air outbreak: two cases during COMBLE period
-  26 April 2022
Key Points
A segmentation method is developed to identify cloud objects from satellite images and to obtain cloud morphology information
Local maxima in cloud size and cold-air outbreak index and local minima in wind shear are found in cloud organization transition regime
Mean cloud horizontal aspect ratio has weak fetch dependency and is near 2 in all cloud regimes
The Remarkably Strong Arctic Stratospheric Polar Vortex of Winter 2020: Links to Record‐Breaking Arctic Oscillation and Ozone Loss
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
-  18 October 2020
An Updated Assessment of Near‐Surface Temperature Change From 1850: The HadCRUT5 Data Set
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
-  15 December 2020
Development of an Updated Global Land In Situ‐Based Data Set of Temperature and Precipitation Extremes: HadEX3
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
-  2 July 2020
Fifty Years of Research on the Madden‐Julian Oscillation: Recent Progress, Challenges, and Perspectives
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
-  6 July 2020
The Southern Hemisphere Minor Sudden Stratospheric Warming in September 2019 and its Predictions in S2S Models
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
-  24 June 2020
Three Years of the Lightning Imaging Sensor Onboard the International Space Station: Expanded Global Coverage and Enhanced Applications
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
-  29 July 2020
Impact of Higher Spatial Atmospheric Resolution on Precipitation Extremes Over Land in Global Climate Models
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
-  17 May 2020
Assessment of the European Climate Projections as Simulated by the Large EURO‐CORDEX Regional and Global Climate Model Ensemble
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
-  20 November 2020
Compound Drought and Heatwaves at a Global Scale: The Role of Natural Climate Variability‐Associated Synoptic Patterns and Land‐Surface Energy Budget Anomalies
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
-  20 May 2020
Exceptionally Low Arctic Stratospheric Ozone in Spring 2020 as Seen in the CAMS Reanalysis
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
-  3 November 2020
The Influence of Convectively Coupled Kelvin Waves on Atlantic Niños
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
-  26 April 2022
Cause of a lower‐tropospheric high‐ozone layer in spring over Hanoi
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
-  29 April 2022
Synergistic Use of Far‐ and Mid‐Infrared Spectral Radiances for Satellite‐Based Detection of Polar Ice Clouds Over Ocean
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
-  27 April 2022
Cloud morphology evolution in Arctic cold‐air outbreak: two cases during COMBLE period
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
-  26 April 2022
Aerosol‐Radiation Interactions in China in Winter: Competing Effects of Reduced Shortwave Radiation and Cloud‐Snowfall‐Albedo Feedbacks Under Rapidly Changing Emissions
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
-  27 April 2022
Impacts of Suppressing Excessive Light Rain on Aerosol Radiative Effects and Health Risks
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
-  26 April 2022
Increasing Daytime Stability Enhances Downslope Moisture Transport in the Subcanopy of an Even‐Aged Conifer Forest in Western Oregon, USA
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
-  22 April 2022
4D‐Var Inversion of European NH3 Emissions Using CrIS NH3 Measurements and GEOS‐Chem Adjoint With Bi‐Directional and Uni‐Directional Flux Schemes
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
-  27 April 2022
Future Land Precipitation Changes Over the North American Monsoon Region Using CMIP5 and CMIP6 Simulations
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
-  28 April 2022
Issue Information
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
-  27 April 2022