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  •  27 April 2022
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The Influence of the Vietnam Offshore Current and Kuroshio Intrusion on Net Community Production in the Oligotrophic South China Sea in Summer

  •  26 April 2022

Key Points

  • Dissolved inorganic nitrogen had the strongest influence on net community production and chlorophyll a in the South China Sea basin

  • The Kuroshio intrusion extended into the South China Sea, causing reduced surface dissolved inorganic nitrogen and net community production

  • The Vietnam Offshore Current transported nitrogen-rich upwelled water into the study area, promoting net community production

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Dynamical Impact of the Mekong River Plume in the South China Sea

  •  24 April 2022

Key Points

  • The Mekong River plume induces a residual circulation in the South China Sea shaped as an eddy train of positive and negative vorticity

  • Submesoscale fronts contribute to the offshore transport of the riverine water further strengthening the residual eddy train

  • The mesoscale- and submesoscale-induced transport associated with the river plume is especially relevant in August and September

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Water Mass Transports and Pathways in the North Brazil‐Equatorial Undercurrent Retroflection

  •  22 April 2022

Key Points

  • A Lagrangian analysis identifies four water sources that feed the Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC) through the North Brazil Current retroflection

  • The main water source contributions change with density, each density class being dominated by a distinct retroflection latitudinal pathway

  • Reanalysis data shows an increase of tropical waters from the South Atlantic Ocean into the EUC from 2008 onwards

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Wind‐Driven Freshwater Export at Cape Farewell

  •  22 April 2022

Key Points

  • Westerly winds at Cape Farewell drive enhanced transport of surface waters across the shelfbreak and extend the salinity front offshore

  • Westerly tip jets lead to the strongest export and can impact the water column up to 100 m deep, especially over Eirik Ridge

  • Sea ice at Cape Farewell veers eastwards in response to westerly winds, but export at the shelfbreak is minimal compared to liquid export

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Double Acceleration Effects of Closely Spaced Pairs of Ocean Fronts on High‐Wind Occurrence Frequency During Boreal Winter

  •  21 April 2022

Key Points

  • Multiple closely-spaced oceanic fronts occur often over the North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans

  • Frequent double acceleration of mean westerly winds by closely spaced pairs of fronts increases the high-wind frequency in winter

  • The first front contributes to high winds downstream of the second front because momentum losses are weak in the interfrontal zone

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Enhanced Diapycnal Mixing in the Deep Ocean Around the Island of Taiwan

  •  20 April 2022

Key Points

  • Enhanced mixing in the deep ocean around Taiwan Island is observed using seismic oceanography

  • Empirical diffusivity structures varying with topography are constructed for the mixing hotspot

  • Tide- and flow-topography interactions are the dominant mixing mechanisms

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Air‐Sea Interactions and Water Mass Transformation During a Katabatic Storm in the Irminger Sea

  •  20 April 2022

Key Points

  • For the first time, the direct effect of a katabatic storm on the Irminger Sea has been simulated in a global climate model

  • The katabatic storm induces strong heat loss and dense water formation over the Irminger shelf (Sermilik Trough) and in the boundary current

  • Dense water forming in the western boundary current during katabatic storms contributes to the lightest upper North Atlantic Deep Water

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Investigation of Wave Height Distributions and Characteristic Wave Periods in Coastal Environments

  •  20 April 2022

Key Points

  • Relative wave height is a key indicator of the performance of wave height distribution models for a sea state

  • Deep water models and depth-dependent models perform better in sea states with lower and higher relative wave heights respectively

  • Improved formulas have been developed for relating characteristic wave periods

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Phytoplankton bloom in the Gulf of Elat/Aqaba physical vs. ecological forcing

  •  6 May 2022

Key Points

  • Integrated phytoplankton concentration in the northern Gulf is driven by horizontal advection

  • Surface and integrated bloom behave differently in the southern and northern ends of the Gulf

  • Light limitation inhibits integrated growth in the northern Gulf, similar to the North Atlantic

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The role of freshwater forcing on surface predictability in the Gulf of Mexico

  •  6 May 2022

Key Points

  • The interaction of the Loop Current system and the river input in the northern Gulf of Mexico is two ways

  • The interaction depends on model resolution and riverine input configuration

  • Spread of SST and SSS show opposite seasonality. Increasing spatial resolution decreases the predictability of surface relative vorticity

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Dissipation and Bathymetric Sensitivities in an Unstructured Mesh Global Tidal Model

  •  5 May 2022

Key Points

  • Boundary layer dissipation is concentrated in a small portion of the ocean while baroclinic conversion is more distributed

  • Boundary layer dissipation on certain shelves controls basin-scale tides

  • Frictional coefficients derived via optimization methods are consistent with regional physical and hydrodynamic characteristics

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Towards Retrieving Reliable Ocean Surface Currents in the Coastal Zone from the Sentinel‐1 Doppler Shift Observations

  •  5 May 2022

Key Points

  • The Sentinel-1 Doppler shift observations are used to retrieve information about the ocean surface currents in the coastal zone

  • Mesoscale eddies are detected in the SAR-derived ocean surface current radial velocity fields

  • Combination of the wind and wave information from collocated models improves the accuracy of the wave-induced contribution estimates

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Circumpolar variations in the chaotic nature of Southern Ocean eddy dynamics

  •  5 May 2022

Key Points

  • Monthly-to-interannual variability in the Southern Ocean eddy field is dominated by chaotic, rather than atmospherically-forced processes

  • The forced component of the eddy kinetic energy variance is significantly correlated with the local wind stress input

  • The forced changes in the eddy field lag the wind stress, with two timescales emerging: one at 4-6 months, and one at 2-3 years

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Hydroacoustic travel time variations as a proxy for passive deep‐ocean thermometry – a cookbook

  •  5 May 2022

Key Points

  • Travel time variations extracted from time-lapse cross-correlations between a hydrophone station and a three-component broadband seismometer

  • Frequency-dependent acoustic travel time serves as path-averaged temperature changes in the SOFAR channel

  • Selecting eligible cross-correlations by source activity and slowness estimation is crucial for extracting reliable oceanic travel times

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Interannual modulation of subthermocline eddy kinetic energy east of the Philippines

  •  5 May 2022

Key Points

  • Significant interannual variation of subthermocline EKE related to ENSO is detected east of the Philippines with mooring and model

  • Model shows both barotropic and baroclinic instability are responsible for interannual EKE variation, and barotropic factor is dominant

  • Interannual modulation of barotropic instability is associated with the variation of Mindanao Undercurrent and Halmahera Eddy

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Strong long‐lived anticyclonic mesoscale eddies in the Balearic Sea formation, intensification, and thermal impact

  •  3 May 2022

Key Points

  • NW wind events and the existence of the Pyrenees thermal front are both necessary for the formation of strong long-lived Balearic Sea eddies

  • Eddy intensification was driven by salinity gradients in 2010 and by additional NW windevents in 2017

  • Both events created long-lasting surface temperature anomalies that have the characteristicsof local marine heatwaves

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An integral view of the Gulf of Tonkin seasonal dynamics

  •  2 May 2022

Key Points

  • Strong tidal rectification to the seasonal cycle in the eastern Gulf of Tonkin

  • Seasonal variability of the western Gulf of Tonkin dominated by the Red River coastal current and western boundary current intrusions

  • Considerable advection of waters through the gulf's mouth mainly during winter monsoon conditions

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Regional and Seasonal Variability of the Oceanic Thermal Skin Effect

  •  30 April 2022

Key Points

  • Using independent shipboard measurements and ERA5 reanalysis to study thermal skin effect

  • Evaluation of the skin and sublayer temperature schemes to simulate the SST diurnal cycle

  • The widely used COARE-3.6 bulk air-sea flux model performs well and replicates most skinlayer effects

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EN4: Quality controlled ocean temperature and salinity profiles and monthly objective analyses with uncertainty estimates

Key Points

  • EN4 dataset of quality-controlled temperature and salinity profiles is described
  • Dataset covers 1900 to present and includes monthly objective analyses
  • A novel method is presented to estimate uncertainty in the objective analyses

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A Global Perspective on Microplastics

Key Points

  • The sources, behavior, fate, and effects of microplastics are inexplicably tied to those of their plastic product and macrodebris precursors, as well as the nanoplastics into which they fragment
  • Microplastic sampling and characterization methods are evolving, but their inadequacies still hamper efforts to evaluate the true extent of their presence and consequences in the built and natural environments
  • Microplastics are a global/multimedia phenomenon; hence, they cannot be adequately understood, or related concerns resolved, in the context of the marine environment alone or a single discipline

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The Role of the New Zealand Plateau in the Tasman Sea Circulation and Separation of the East Australian Current

Key Points

  • EAC separation latitude shifts south 1.1 degrees when the New Zealand submarine platform is completely removed and Tasman Sea is leveled
  • The presence of the New Zealand submarine platform weakens the EAC extension and strengthens the Tasman Front
  • Meridional gradients in the basin-wide wind stress curl are not the sole factor determining the mean latitude of EAC partial separation

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Submesoscale Sea Ice‐Ocean Interactions in Marginal Ice Zones

Key Points

  • Energetic submesoscale ocean variability forms at marginal ice zones due to mixed-layer instabilities of ice-edge meltwater fronts
  • Mechanical sea ice-ocean interactions trap sea ice in cyclonic eddies and filaments—regions with dramatically enhanced ocean heat fluxes
  • The strength of submesoscale sea ice-ocean coupling is expected to increase with thinning of Arctic sea ice and marginal ice zone expansion

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North Atlantic Ocean Internal Decadal Variability: Role of the Mean State and Ocean‐Atmosphere Coupling

Key Points

  • The AMOC and AMV decadal variability can emerge from a self-sustained oceanic mode based on coupled model results
  • Increasing atmospheric resolution decreases the oceanic variability due to mean state changes
  • Atmosphere-ocean coupling causes a moderate increase of the AMOC variability

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Observation of rogue wave holes in a water wave tank

Key Points

  • Experimental generation of rogue wave holes
  • Rogue waves holes within the framework of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation
  • Rogue wave holes modeled by the Peregrine soliton

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Intensification and poleward shift of subtropical western boundary currents in a warming climate

Key Points:

  • WBCs are strengthening and shifting toward poles under global warming
  • Three types of independent data sets are included
  • Several coupled parameters are used to identify the WBCs dynamics

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Mesoscale resolution capability of altimetry: Present and future

Key Points

  • A global analysis of wavenumber spectra of Sea Surface Height determines the mesoscale resolution capability of altimeter missions
  • The future 2-D mesoscale resolution capability of the SWOT altimeter mission is predicted using a simulated error level

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Mixed layer heat and salinity budgets during the onset of the 2011 Atlantic cold tongue

Key Points

  • Atlantic cold tongue development from May to July 2011 was examined
  • Diapycnal mixing is key process for cooling in western cold tongue region
  • Zonal advection is main contributor to mixed layer salinity changes

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