5. 5. 2022
v 16.00, zasedací místnost 207, Jilská 1, Praha 1

Sociological Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Department of Sociology of the Institute of Sociological Studies FSS CU invite you to the spring cycle of Thursday sociological seminars.

The role of civil society organisations (CSOs) in Italy and, more broadly, the ‘third sector’ has been the constitutes a pillar of the Italian welfare model. In line with its key role in the welfare, the third sector has been widely acknowledged as crucial for providing assistance and integration of migrants. This seminar addresses the role of CSOs in Italy with regards to the integration of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees (MRAs) in the labour market. What are the main barrier and enablers that hinder or favour a successful integration? What are the main challenges faced by CSOs operating in this field? What is the perception of MRAs with regards to the role of CSOs? These are the main question we addressed during our research and fieldwork. Looking at the main results from the SIRIUS research (EU H2020 Project - Skills and Integration of Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Applicants in the European Labour Market) we present the role played by CSOs in practice, looking at the dynamics of demand and offer of services both through the perspective of the CSOs and MRAs. To achieve this, we combine qualitative data from semi-structured interviews to CSO representatives as well as MRAs. Our findings point out that the fragmentation of the policy framework in terms of employment and integration, and an unfavourable legislation (above all, migration law) shape the kind of prevalent activities of CSOs and negatively impact the potential for integration of MRAs in the labour market. In general, much is left to the single CSO to fill in the needs of MRAs beyond minimal provisions established by law, with just asylum seekers and refugees having better opportunities and support. Furthermore, we can also observe how economic migrants generally tend to be less supported. The discussion will then outline the role of the best practices and potential policy implications for the integration of migrants in the EU. 

Mattia Collini obtained his PhD in Political Science from Scuola Normale Superiore (Florence). He is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Florence, working for the EU H2020 SIRIUS Project (Skills and Integration of Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Applicants in the European Labour Market). He is also Teaching Assistant for the courses ‘Italian Political Systems’ and ‘Political Science’, at the School of Political Science “Cesare Alfieri” of the University of Florence. His research interests are parties and party systems in Central and Eastern Europe, electoral systems, party competition in comparative perspective, with a focus on electoral volatility and political orientation, and migration policies. His academic work deals primarily with quantitative research, statistical analysis of cross-national surveys, and mixed-methods approaches.

The seminar will take place in English in person in the meeting room, there is no need to register in advance.

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