Ve třetí části cyklu Světové mýty jinak jsou uvedeny mýty asijského původu – indické, čínské, japonské, perské a další. Tyto mýty vznikaly během několika tisíciletí a ve svých zemích jsou dodnes živé.
Výběr z literatury a internetové zdroje:
BROWN, Roland Wilbur, et al. Composition of scientific words. Baltimore, Maryland. USA: Reese Press, 1956.
GOTCH, Arthur Frederick. Latin names explained: a guide to the scientific classification of reptiles, birds and mammals. 1995.
ISAAK, Mark: Curiosities of Biological Nomenclature.
JAEGER, Edmund C.: A Source-Book of Biological Names and Terms. 1962.
My World of North-Eastern Butterfly. Etymology.
PUTHZ, Volker. Neue japanische Arten der Gattung Stenus Latreille. (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) 266. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Steninen. Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 2001, 108(1): 41-55.
QUATTROCHI, Umberto. Plant Names. 2000.
SHYAMAL, L.: When Orientalism met Taxonomy.
SOLOVYEV, Alexey V.; WITT, Thomas J. The Limacodidae of Vietnam. Entomofauna, 2009, suppl. 16.
YAKOVLEV, Roman V. New Cossidae (Lepidoptera) from Asia, Africa and Macronesia. Tinea, 2006, 19.3: 188-213.
The third part of the series World myths from a different perspective deals with myths of various Asian origin – Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Persian and others. These myths were created over the course of several millennia and are still alive in their countries.