A Privatized University: Towards Just Another "Great Transformation" of Education
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46938/tv.2015.315
This study reviews the book: Andrew MCGETTIGAN, The Great University Gamble: Money, Markets and the Future of Higher Education. London: Pluto Press, 2013. The main ambition of this study is to employ Andrew McGettigan's critical analysis of the current UK university reform in an account of the rise of the specific education regime which is now being expressed in the language and logic of "market and money". This rise is taken as an example of a process unlinking today's university settings from a previous educational framework grounded in the pursuit of public interest. It is claimed that studying ways money moves around the system now under way brings about a new form of confrontation between classical ideals of university " bildung" and the reality of mass education.
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