Vobecka, Jana, Butz, William, Reyes, Gerald
odborná kniha / monografie
Vobecka, Jana, Butz, William, Reyes, Gerald. 2013. Population Trends and Policies in the UNECE Region. New York/ Vienna: UNFPA and IIASA. 136 s. [cit. 20.1.2018]. Dostupné z: http://eeca.unfpa.org/publications/population-trends-and-policies-unece-region.

Commissioned by UNFPA’s Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia this report aims to supplement the information gathered from governments and civil society with academic research. The report, prepared by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and the Wittgenstein Center for Demography and Human Capital, analyses recent population trends related to the International Conference on Population Development (ICPD) agenda, looks at existing policy responses and makes recommendations for closing policy gaps in light of potential future population scenarios.


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