5-PAHSA belongs to newly discovered lipids which show a great promise as anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory compounds, but their action is poorly explored. Animal and cell culture experiments showed that 5-PAHSA helps to import glucose into the cells in a different way from insulin. While insulin stimulates lipid accumulation, administration of 5-PAHSA results in the activation of energy-demanding metabolic processes of fatty acid synthesis. Therefore, glucose is used more efficiently.
The effect of a bioactive lipid 5-PAHSA on glucose and lipid metabolism. Labeling of metabolic pathways in mice and advanced analytical methods were used to explore the beneficial effect of 5-PAHSA bioactive lipids in glucose utilization.
Palůchová V, Oseeva M, Březinová M, Čajka T, Bardová K, Adamcová K, Žáček P, Brejchová K, Balas L,Chodounská H, Kudová E, Schreiber R, Zechner R, Durand T, Rossmeisl M, Abumrad N. A, Kopecký J, Kuda O Lipokine 5-PAHSA is Regulated by Adipose Triglyceride Lipase and Primes Adipocytes for de novo Lipogenesis in Mice . Diabetes. 2020; 69(3); 300-312 . IF: 7.720 DOI