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The aim of this text is to describe and compare the residential segregation of foreigners in Prague and Central Bohemian region in years 2012–2018. The distribution of foreigners is measured using a new method of individualized scalable neighbourhoods. This method allows to compare the distribution of minority and majority population on multiple scales and does not depend on the statistical-administrative division of the territory.

Téma: housing, urban and rural studies, methodology, migration and mobility, public administration

Typ publikace: Chapter in monographOddělení: Local and regional studies

Příspěvek se zaměřuje na stěhování a rezidenční mobilitu cizinců v Praze a Středočeském kraji, kde se soustředí značná část cizinecké populace Česka. Na základě kombinace dvou zdrojů dat ukazuje, že vzhledem ke specifickým prostorovým vzorcům pobytu a pohybu mají cizinci nezanedbatelnou roli v procesu utváření sociálně-prostorové struktury regionu.

Téma: housing, urban and rural studies, methodology, migration and mobility, public administration

Typ publikace: Chapter in monographOddělení: Local and regional studies

Comparative research aiming to explain differences in segregation on national level is highly desirable for public policy in increasingly diverse countries including new immigrant destinations. This study explores residential segregation of non-European migrants in Czechia using the individualised scalable neighbourhood method based on anonymised geocoded register data. Czechia is the main immigrant-receiving country in Eastern European post-socialist context.

Téma: housing, urban and rural studies, methodology, migration and mobility, social inequalities, public administration, standard of living

Typ publikace: Article with impact factorOddělení: Local and regional studies

The article explores the proliferation of conspiracies in female dominated spaces on Instagram, specifically among spiritual influencers who base their authority and influence on a combination of wellness culture practices and conspirituality narratives.

Téma: gender, media, lifestyle

Typ publikace: Peer-reviewed journal articleOddělení: Gender & Sociology

This mixed‐methods article focuses on childlessness and barriers to parenthood among non‐heterosexual men in Czechia. On the quantitative sample of 419 men (165 gays, 125 bisexuals, and 129 heterosexuals with same‐sex romantic/sexual attraction), recruited on a representative online panel, we map the parenting desires, intentions, and perceived barriers to parenthood.

Téma: gender, parenting, sexuality

Typ publikace: Article with impact factorOddělení: Gender & Sociology

The Covid-19 pandemic had a particularly severe impact on people in a vulnerable position, such as solo mothers living alone with their children. In this article I use an intersectional approach in order to understand how their different positions in life affected their ability to cope with the crisis situation.

Téma: gender, care

Typ publikace: Peer-reviewed journal articleOddělení: Gender & Sociology

Investigating what happens when money in the form of a cash-for-care benefit enters family relationships, this article examines long-term family care in the Czech Republic where a “care allowance” was introduced in 2007. It compares two qualitative studies: one of adult children providing care to their parents and the other of mothers caring for a disabled child; in both cases, the adults are entitled to the benefit.

Téma: gender, value orientations, care, age and ageing

Typ publikace: Article with impact factorOddělení: Gender & Sociology

Former socialist states made great progress in the institutional set up and development of civil societies after the fall of their non-democratic regimes. However, the gap in levels of political participation between former socialist states and old democracies remains.

Téma: civil society, politics (and political attitudes), education

Typ publikace: Article with impact factorOddělení: Political Sociology

Previous research on non-custodial sentences has pointed to the association between awareness of alternatives to prison and public opinion on these alternative measures. Using data from a public opinion survey conducted in the Czech Republic in 2018, the main objective of this study is to examine the extent to which public opinion on probation is influenced by awareness of probation service and support for probation in general.

Téma: crime, public opinion

Typ publikace: Peer-reviewed journal articleOddělení: Value Orientations in Society

This article explores the spatial mobility of disadvantaged populations in order to enhance our understanding of transport poverty. It is based on participatory GPS tracking data collected in peripheral rural regions in Czechia and Germany. The data provide information on the two-week mobility of 61 socially disadvantaged study participants belonging to the following groups: (a) the lone elderly, (b) the labor market disadvantaged, and (c) single parents.

Téma: dluhy, gender, urban and rural studies, methodology, migration and mobility, standard of living

Typ publikace: Article with impact factorOddělení: Local and regional studies

V posledních několika letech došlo k významné změně podmínek v lesnictví, zejména kvůli kůrovcové kalamitě, změně klimatu a měnícímu se společenskému uspořádání, které vyžaduje různé funkce lesa v České republice. Cílem tohoto výzkumu bylo zjistit názory odborné veřejnosti o aktuálních tématech souvisejících s kalamitní situací v lesích. Otázky byly zaměřeny na legislativní změny v lesnictví, komunikaci správy státních lesů, využití českého dřeva a dřevěných konstrukcí.

Téma: životní prostředí

Typ publikace: Peer-reviewed journal articleOddělení: Local and regional studies

Our chapter aims to describe the contemporary civic values of the people of Czech Republic within a European perspective. The following indicators have been chosen to represent activities, attitudes, and values that may sustain a democratic civic political culture: political interest, feelings of political efficacy and active participation in civil society and politics.

Téma: trust/social cohesion, gender, value orientations, kultura, human relations, civil society, politics (and political attitudes), social capital

Typ publikace: Chapter in monographOddělení: Value Orientations in Society, Social Stratification

This study investigated the effects of family socioeconomic status on children’s academic performance as mediated by their home environment and children’s characteristics, with special attention to gender differences. Structural modeling was applied to a nationally representative Czech Household Panel Survey data (2015/2016). The results revealed that socioeconomic status had no significant direct effects on school performance after controlling for other family aspects.

Téma: gender, kultura, wages and incomes, social inequalities, education

Typ publikace: Article with impact factorOddělení: Social Stratification

Scholars and practitioners endorse public participation in the decision-making process as enhancing the health of democracy, justice, and effectiveness of policy outcomes. To sustain or even increase the number of participants in the long run, it is crucial to start raising a new politically active generation already during their youth and even early adolescence.

Téma: civil society, politics (and political attitudes)

Typ publikace: Article with impact factorOddělení: Political Sociology

Immigrant incorporation in cities is often explained using the theories of spatial and segmented assimilation, which differ, among other things, in their approach to the spatial aspects of incorporation. However, empirical evidence about immigrant spatial incorporation from both theories is ambiguous, since most case studies focus on a single location and a limited number of immigrant groups, which hampers their external validity.

Téma: globalisation, identity, urban and rural studies, migration and mobility, public policy

Typ publikace: Article with impact factorOddělení: Local and regional studies
