Lukáš Lička

Mgr. Lukáš Lička, Ph.D.


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Ph.D., Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava, 2016

Mgr., Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava, 2013

Bc., Latin Language and Culture, Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava, 2013

Bc., Czech Language and Literature and Social Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava, 2011

Employment and Specialisation

After finishing his PhD studies (2016, University of Ostrava), his post-doctoral project received funding from Czech Academy of Sciences (2018–2019, Medieval optics, sensory perception and science of soul between Paris, Oxford, and Prague, 1242–1411 ). He works as a postdoc in the Department for the Study of Ancient and Medieval Thought (since 2018); currently as a team member in Ota Pavlíček’s ERC project ACADEMIA: Reconstructing Late Medieval Quests for Knowledge: Quodlibetal Debates as Precursors of Modern Academic Practice (since 2021). He is also a member of VIVARIUM – Centre for Research in Medieval Society and Culture at Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava (since 2017).

His research focuses on the history of medieval Latin philosophy and science (13th to 15th century), especially on the theory of sensory perception (active perception, attention, intentionality), medieval optical tradition (extramission, mirror images, light and shadows, the relation of optics to the other quadrivial disciplines), and late medieval Prague university (optics, perception, and the nature of the human intellect in the quodlibetal disputations). In 2020, he received the SIEPM Junior Scholar Award of Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale.


Monographies and edited works

Středověké teorie vnímání a aktivita smyslů ve františkánském kontextu , Praha: Filosofia, 2021. [ Medieval Theories of Perception and the Activity of Senses in the Franciscan Context , in Czech]

D. Heider, L. Lička, M. Otisk (eds.), Perception in Scholastics and Their Interlocutors, Praha: Filosofia, 2017. (= Filosofický časopis 2017/2)

Studies in English

“Buridan Wycliffised? The Nature of the Intellect in Late Medieval Prague University Disputations”, in The Embodied Soul: Aristotelian Psychology and Physiology in Medieval Europe between 1200 and 1420 , edited by M. Gensler, M. Mansfeld and M. Michałowska, Cham: Springer (forthcoming in 2022).

“The Aims of Perspectiva in 1360s Paris: Investigating Texts Written in the Hand of Reimbotus de Castro”, in Books of Knowledge in Late Medieval Europe: Circulation and Reception of Popular Texts , edited by P. Cermanová and V. Žůrek, Turnhout: Brepols, 2021, 299–329.

“Studying and Discussing Optics at the Prague Faculty of Arts: Optical Topics and Authorities in Prague Quodlibets and John of Borotín’sQuaestio on Extramission”, in Studying the Arts in Late Medieval Bohemia, edited by O. Pavlíček, Turnhout: Brepols, 2021, 249–300.

“The Visual Process: Immediate or Successive? Approaches to the Extramission Postulate in 13th-Century Theories of Vision”, in Medieval Perceptual Puzzles: Theories of Sense-Perception in the 13 th and 14th Centuries , edited by E. Baltuta, Leiden: Brill, 2020, 73–110.

“What is in the Mirror? The Metaphysics of Mirror Images in Albert the Great and Peter Auriol”, in Senses and the History of Philosophy, edited by B. Glenney and J. F. Silva, London: Routledge, 2019, 131–148.

“Attention, Perceptual Content, and Mirrors: Two Medieval Models of Active Perception in Peter Olivi and Peter Auriol”, in Perception in Scholastics and Their Interlocutors, eds. D. Heider, L. Lička, M. Otisk, (eds.), Praha: Filosofia, 2017, 101–119.

“Perception and Objective Being: Peter Auriol on Perceptual Acts and their Objects”, American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 90 (2016): 49–76.

Studies in Czech

“Pohled šlehající z očí: františkáni 13. století a Augustinova autorita v otázce extramisní teorie vidění”, in: P. Hlaváček et al., Proměny františkánské tradice: Od teologie a filosofie ke kultuře a umění , Praha: FF UK & Filosofia, 2019, pp. 68–92. [“Sight Darting Forth from the Eyes: 13th-Century Franciscans and Augustine’s Authority in the Issue of Extramissionist Theory of Vision”]

“Intencionalita a pojem poznání ve středověké filosofii”, Studia Neoaristotelica 15 (2018), Series Bohemoslovaca 3/2: 63–125. [“Intentionality and the Concept of Cognition in Medieval Philosophy”]

“Vnímání, kauzalita a pozornost: Roger Bacon a Petr Olivi”, Studia Neoaristotelica 13 (2016), Series Bohemoslovaca 1/1: 1–38. [“Sensation, Causality, and Attention: Roger Bacon and Peter Olivi”]

“Centrum a periferie v historiografii filosofie: Petr Olivi a středověká nauka o duši”, in Filosofie v provincii / Filozofia na prowincji, edited by A. Olech and M. Otisk, Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita, 2016, pp. 104–119. [“Centre and Periphery in the Historiography of Philosophy: Peter Olivi and the Medieval Science of Soul”]

“Co je člověk? Petr Auriol a role kognitivní psychologie ve středověké definici člověka”, in J. Herůfek (ed.), Pojetí důstojnosti člověka od antiky po současnost, Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita, 2015, pp. 55–78. [“What is the Human Being? Peter Auriol and the Role of Cognitive Psychology in the Medieval Definition of the Human Being”]

Esse apparens a jeho role v Auriolově výkladu smyslového vnímání”, Filosofický časopis 62 (2014): 539–557. [“Esse apparens and its Role in Auriol’s Account of Sensory Perception”]

“Supozice mentálního termínu podle Viléma Ockhama”, Studia Neoaristotelica 9 (2012): 20–62. [“Supposition of Mental Term according to William of Ockham”]

Presentations (selection)

“An Eastward Diffusion: The Intensity of Light from Nicole Oresme to Matthias of Knín.” Conference Studying the Arts in Medieval Bohemia II: Production, Reception and Transmission of Knowledge at the Arts Faculty of Prague University in the Middle Ages (Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences). Praha, September 2021.

“The Noblest Complexion: Semi-materialist Tendencies in a Late Medieval Bohemian Reading of John Wyclif.” Conference Complexio: Across Times and Disciplines (Radboud University, Nijmegen). Nijmegen, February 2021 (online).

“Unravelling the Tangle of Tacit Borrowings: On Some Sources of the Anonymous Quaestio on the Nature of Intellect from the 1409 Prague Quodlibet.” Workshop 3rd International Consultation on Studying the Arts in Late Medieval Bohemia: Doctrines, Methods and Sources in the Prague Quodlibeta around 1409 (Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences). Praha, September 2020 (online).

“On a Materialist Argument in Matěj of Knín and Prokop of Kladruby.” Workshop 2nd International Consultation on Studying the Arts in Late Medieval Bohemia: Doctrines, Methods and Sources in the Prague Quodlibeta around 1409 (Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences). Prague, December 2019.

“Like a Body and Tunic? The Relation of the Intellect to the Body in Late Medieval Prague University Disputations.” Conference Mind and Body: Aspects of Medieval Natural Philosophy (University of Łódź). Łódź (PL), June 2019.

“A Buridanian Question on the Nature of the Intellect in the 1409 Prague Quodlibet.” Workshop Studying the Arts in Late Medieval Bohemia: Doctrines, Methods and Sources in the Prague Quodlibeta around 1409 (Dipartimento di Filosofia, Università degli Studi di Milano). Milano, December 2018.

“From Optics to Practical Geometry: On Perspectiva Ascribed to Thomas Bradwardine in Vat. lat. 3102.” Conference From Quadrivium to Natural Sciences: New Impulses in the Traditional Framework (University of Ostrava). Ostrava (CZ), November 2018.

“Two Anonymous Commentaries on Peckham’s Perspectiva communis, Written by the Hand of Reimbotus de Castro.” Conference Books of Knowledge and Their Reception: Circulation of Widespread Texts in Late Medieval Europe (Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences). Prague, October 2018.

“What is in the Mirror? The Metaphysics of Mirror Images in Albert the Great, Peter Auriol and the Prague Quodlibet by Prokop of Kladbury (1417).” Invited lecture (Dipartimento di Filosofia, Università degli Studi di Milano). Milano, October 2017.

Non sicut mus de foramine: Some 13th Century Approaches Towards the Extramissionist Explanation of Vision.” International conference Theories of Sense-Perception in the 13th and 14th Centuries (Humboldt Universität). Berlin, April 2017.

“Optics at the Prague Faculty of Arts in the Middle Ages: The Case of John of Borotin”, International conference Studying the Arts in Medieval Bohemia: Production, Reception and Transmission of Knowledge at the Arts Faculty of Prague University in the Middle Ages – 2nd Annual Meeting of Societas Artistarum (Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences). Prague, December 2016.

Attention, Perceptual Content, and Mirrors: Two Medieval Models of Active Perception in Peter Olivi and Peter Auriol ”, International conference Issues of Perception between Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy (University of Ostrava). Ostrava (CZ), October 2016.

Peter Auriol and his Predecessors on the Identity of Species with Cognitive Act ”, International workshop Peter Auriol and his Vicinity (Institute of Philosophy, KU Leuven). Leuven, June 2016.

Unity and Diversity in Medieval Psychology”, International conference Unity and diversity of medieval (Central) Europe Social order and its cohesive and disruptive forces (Palacký University). Olomouc (CZ), April 2016.

“Peter Auriol on Categories, Relations, and Cognition”, Workshop on the History of Scholastic Logic (Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy). Prague (CZ), May 2015.

Grant Projects

2021–: Member of the research team of the ERC project ACADEMIA: Reconstructing Late Medieval Quests for Knowledge: Quodlibetal Debates as Precursors of Modern Academic Practice (Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, PI: Ota Pavlíček).

2019–2022: Member of the research team of the project Philosophy at the University of Prague around 1409: Matěj of Knín’s Quodlibet as a Crossroads of European Medieval Knowledge (Czech Science Foundation, GA ČR 19-16793S; Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, PI: Ota Pavlíček).

2018–2019: Post-doctoral project Medieval Optics, Sensory Perception and Science of Soul Between Paris, Oxford and Prague (1242–1411) at Czech Academy of Sciences.

2018–2020: Member of the research team of the institutional development project Construing the Otherness in Medieval Europe (University of Ostrava, Faculty of Arts).

2017: Member of the research team of the project Between Renaissance and Baroque: Philosophy and Knowledge in the Czech Lands within the Wider European Context (Czech Science Foundation, GA ČR 14-37038G; Palacký University, Olomouc).

2015–2017: Member of the research team of the institutional development project Collective Identity in the Social Networks of Medieval Europe (University of Ostrava, Faculty of Arts).

2014: Member of the research team of the institutional development project VIVARIUM – Centre for Research in Medieval Society and Culture (University of Ostrava, Faculty of Arts).

2014: Member of the research team of the project “Výzkumná síť teorie a dějin vědy” (Operational Programme, no. CZ.1.07/2.4.00/31.0108).

2013–2016: Member in the research teams of several projects in medieval studies (IGA Projects, Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava).

Scholarships and Awards

SIEPM Junior Scholar Award (2020).

Jan Hus Educational Foundation scholarship (2015).

Rector’s award for excellent study results (University of Ostrava, 2011).


Roger Bacon Research Society (member since 2020).

Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale (member since 2018).

Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy (since 2015).

Other Professional Activities

I have served as a referee for the following journals:British Journal for the History of Philosophy,Studia Neoaristotelica, Teorie vědy/Theory of Science,Listy filologické/Folia philologica, BohemianReformation and Religious Practice, Aithér.