In the list of publications, you will find the complete output of our researchers since 1961.
- Surface nucleation kinetics on active centers from supersaturated vaporCzechoslovak Journal of Physics 53 (2003) 27-32.
- Phase transition in ternary caesium lead bromideJournal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 71 (2003) 667-673.
- Luminescence and relaxed excited state origin in CsI:Pb crystalsJournal of Luminescence 101 (2003) 219-226.
- Determination of time characteristics of solidification of supercooled halid melt from measurements of its electrical conductivityMater. Phys. Mech. 6 (2003) 43-48.
- Formation of droplets on active centers in supersaturated vaporsJournal of Chemical Physics 118 (2003) 6411-6416.
- Properties of epitaxial yttrium iron garnet films grown from BaO fluxJournal of Applied Physics 93 (2003) 7510-7512.
- Electron traps related to oxygen vacancies in PbWO4Physical Review B 67 (2003) 205102-205108.
- Delayed recombination luminescence in lead tungstate (PWO) scintillating crystalsJournal of Luminescence 102-103 (2003) 791-796.
- Luminiscence spectroscopy of the Gd-rich Ce3+ -, Tb3+ - and Mn2+ - doped phosphate glassesphysica status solidi (a) 196 (2003) 484-495.
- Fourier transform photocurrent spectroscopy of dopants and defects in CVD diamondDiamond and Related Materials 12 (2003) 521-525.
- Thermoluminescence of Zr-codoped Lu3Al5O12:Ce crystalsphysica status solidi (a) 195 (2003) R1-R3.
- Scintillation and spectroscopic properties of Ce3+ -doped YAlO3 and Lux(RE)1-xAlO3 (RE=Y3+ and Gd3+) scintillatorsNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 498 (2003) 312-327.
- Decay kinetics of the green emission in PbWO4:MoJournal of Luminescence 102-103 (2003) 618-622.
- Growth and characterization of high purity epitaxial yttrium iron garnet films grown from BaO-B2O3-BaF2 fluxphysica status solidi (a) 198 (2003) 407-414.
- Thermal stability of microhardness and internal stress of hard a-C films with predominantly sp2 bondsDiamond and Related Materials 12 (2003) 1378-1384.
- Plasma surface modification of hydrogel thin filmsSurface & Coatings Technology 174-175 (2003) 816-820.
- Charge density wave in La0.84Sr0.16MnO3 revealed by Mn-55 nuclear magnetic resonancePhys. Rev. B 67 (2003) 100411(1) - 100411(4)
- Neutron diffraction study of Lu2Fe17 under high pressureJ. Magn. Magn. Mater. 258 (2003) 564 - 566
- Magnetoresistance of UPdSn and pressure effectActa Phys. Polon. B 34 (2003) 1197 - 1200
- Pressure effect on magnetic behavior and lattice softening in CeCo4BPhysica B 327 (2003) 211 - 213
- Semiempirical and first principles study of the crystal field acting on the 4f electrons in rare earth cupratesActa Phys. Polon. B 34 (2003) 447 - 450
- Buried antiferromagnetic films investigated by x-ray magneto-optical reflection spectroscopyPhys. Rev. B 67 (2003) 52401(1) - 52401(4)
- Surface & Coatings Technology 174-175 (2003) 1159-1163.
- Magnetic and Transport Properties of (III,Mn)V Ferromagnetic SemiconductorsActa Physica Polonica A 104 (2003) 103-112.
- Colloid Polym. Sci. 281 (2003) 1025 - 1033
- Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (2003) 256601(1) - 256601(4)
- Diamond and Related Materials 12 (2003) 1287-1294.
- Physica C 390 (2003) 330 - 340
- Physical Review B 67 (2003) 155412(1)-155412(9).
- Langmuir 19 (2003) 3013 - 3018
- J. Non-Cryst. Solids 320 (2003) 177 - 186
- Surf. Sci. 531 (2003) L335 - L339
- Surface Coverage Of Polyaniline-Coated Silica GelsActa Physica Slovaca 53 (2003) 121-127.
- Physica C 384 (2003) 351 - 355
- Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 53 (2003) 49-54.
- Vacuum 71 (2003) 329-333.
- Neutron scattering evidence for magnetic-field-driven abrupt magnetic and structural transitions in a phase-separated manganitePhys. Rev. B 68 (2003) 224412(1) - 224412(8)
- Pressure-induced three-dimensional ferromagnetic correlations in the giant magnetocaloric compound Gd5Ge4Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (2003) 207202(1) - 207202(4)
- Structural study of Pr0.8Na0.2MnO3 at high pressureJ. Magn. Magn. Mater. 267 (2003) 120 - 126
- Inhomogeneity of the ferromagnetic state of (La1-xSrx)(1-delta)MnO3 perovskites according to La-139 and Mn-55 NMR dataJ. Exp. Theor. Phys. 97 (2003) 573 - 586
- Experimental and theoretical investigation of optical properties of dysprosium monopnictidesPhys. Rev. B 68 (2003) 85102(1) - 85102(11)
- Influence of Co doping on properties of Pr0.8Na0.2Mn((1-y))CoyO3 perovskitesJ. Solid State Chem. 174 (2003) 466 - 470
- Pressure induced non-collinear magnetic structures in Fe-rich intermetallicsHigh Pressure Res. 23 (2003) 143 - 148
- Effect of pressure and interstitial atoms on magnetic properties of LuFe11Ti intermetallicsHigh Pressure Res. 23 (2003) 161 - 164
- Anisotropic magnetic behavior of GdBa(2)Cu(3)O(6+y)single crystalsPhysica B 329 (2003) 537 - 538
- Pressure induced changes of magnetic phase transitions in RCo4B compoundsJ. Magn. Magn. Mater. 262 (2003) 382 - 388
- Ordering phenomena and transport properties of Bi1/2Sr1/2MnO3 single crystalsJ. Appl. Phys. 93 (2003) 7370 - 7372
- Magnetoresistive behavior of Cr-doped manganites Pr0.44Sr0.56MnO3J. Appl. Phys. 93 (2003) 8083 - 8085
- Crystal growth of the Bi1-x(Sr,Ca)(x)MnO3 ManganitesSOL ST PHEN 90-91 (2003) 371 - 376
- Unusual nanogranular systemsJ. Magn. Magn. Mater. 262 (2003) 32 - 38