Oddělení pro komeniologii a intelektuální dějiny raného novověku FLÚ AV ČR, v. v. i.
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tel.: 221 183 337
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20 May at 5pm
online seminar #4
Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences invites you to watch a live stream of the 4th meeting of online seminar series.
Thursday, 6 May at 5pm
Tristan Spillmann (University of Cologne)
"A War of Words between Light and Dark or Truth and Falsity: Lorenzo Valla's Radical Theory of Knowledge and his Use of Metaphors"
Stefano Gulizia (Università degli studi, Department of History, Milan)
"Mathesis as a metaphor of knowledge: Symmetry, data-extraction, playfulness, and natural regeneration in Kepler's science (1596–1611)"
Each presentation takes 20 minutes and a discussion follows.
The seminar takes place at YouTube channel Comenius online:
The programme of the whole online seminar series is here.
Oddělení pro komeniologii a intelektuální dějiny raného novověku © 2014–2020