Akademie věd ČR - Akademie věd ČR

Volná místa

Optický návrhář
Výzkum optiky, optoelektroniky a vývoj aplikací spojených s touto tématikou je hlavní náplní práce našeho týmu. Výzkumné centrum speciální optiky a optoelektronických systémů TOPTEC je oddělením Ústavu fyziky plazmatu AV ČR v.v.i. a patří mezi Aplikační Centra Akademie Věd ČR. Náš tým představuje přibližně 40 výzkumníků a techniků.
Náplň práce:
  • Návrh, konstrukce, integrace a testování optických systémů pro aplikace v kosmickém sektoru.
  • Příprava projektové dokumentace
  • Vývoj konstrukce podle požadavků zákazníka

  • Vzdělání v oboru optické inženýrství, optoelektronika, technická fyzika nebo podobném.
  • Zkušenosti s návrhem.
  • Zkušenosti s konstrukcí, integrací, testováním a optimalizací optických systémů (výhodou).
  • Znalost programu Zemax OpticStudio nebo jiných (Oslo, Code V).
  • Dobré znalosti matematiky a fyziky.
  • Ochota pracovat v týmu.
Plynulá komunikace v angličtině.

Pozice je k dispozici s okamžitým nástupem. 
Kontaktní osoba: Ing. Lukáš Steiger, Ph.D., E: steiger@ipp.cas.cz T: +420 487 953 901


Head of the High-Temperature Plasma Physics Department
Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v. i. i. (IPP CAS) is a leading public research institution in the field of plasma research in the Czech Republic.
Fusion Plasma division of IPP CAS is directly linked to the international long-term research efforts in mastering thermonuclear fusion in magnetic confinement devices. Experimental research is based on the use of the Czech large research infrastructure COMPASS and on other European facilities within the EUROfusion consortium: JET, ASDEX Upgrade, WEST, and TCV tokamaks. Related diagnostic developments focus on new diagnostic methods, on design and construction of systems for COMPASS Upgrade, ITER, and JT-60SA and on development of diagnostic systems for DEMO. Theory and modelling activities aim on support and interpretation of existing experimental activities within the Fusion Plasma Section as well as within the EUROfusion consortium, on development and validation of numerical codes, and on the understanding of the physics basis of the future devices COMPASS Upgrade, ITER, and DEMO. Technology R&D activities are represented by design and development of systems for the COMPASS Upgrade tokamak.
The Director of the Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS, v. v. i., announces a call for the position of Head of the High-Temperature Plasma Physics Department within the Fusion Plasma division.
  • university education and scientific or scientific-pedagogical qualifications in the field of physics or physical engineering;
  • significant scientific results and achievements;
  • organizational skills and experience are an advantage;
  • language skills: advanced knowledge of English required, knowledge of Czech is an advantage;
  • moral integrity.
Please send your application includinga brief curriculum vitae with an overview of your previous experience,evidence of your qualifications, a description of your main objectives in leading the department and a proposal for the organization of the department's work on one A4 page, and a list of your main scientific results and outputs in writing to:
Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS
Secretariat of the Director
U Slovanky 2525/1a
182 00 Prague 8
no later than 10 June 2022.
It is expected that during a possible personal interview, the candidate will demonstrate knowledge in fields the department is active and present more detailed ideas of the objectives he/she would like to implement as head of the department.



Head of the Theory and Modelling Department
Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v. i. i. (IPP CAS) is a leading public research institution in the field of plasma research in the Czech Republic.
Fusion Plasma division of IPP CAS is directly linked to the international long-term research efforts in mastering thermonuclear fusion in magnetic confinement devices. Experimental research is based on the use of the Czech large research infrastructure COMPASS and on other European facilities within the EUROfusion consortium: JET, ASDEX Upgrade, WEST, and TCV tokamaks. Related diagnostic developments focus on new diagnostic methods, on design and construction of systems for COMPASS Upgrade, ITER, and JT-60SA and on development of diagnostic systems for DEMO. Theory and modelling activities aim on support and interpretation of existing experimental activities within the Fusion Plasma Section as well as within the EUROfusion consortium, on development and validation of numerical codes, and on the understanding of the physics basis of the future devices COMPASS Upgrade, ITER, and DEMO. Technology R&D activities are represented by design and development of systems for the COMPASS Upgrade tokamak.
The Director of the Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS, v. v. i., announces a call for the position of Head of the Theory and Modelling Department within the Fusion Plasma division.
  • university education and scientific or scientific-pedagogical qualifications in the field of physics or physical engineering;
  • significant scientific results and achievements;
  • organizational skills and experience are an advantage;
  • language skills: advanced knowledge of English required, knowledge of Czech is an advantage;
  • moral integrity.
Please send your application includinga brief curriculum vitae with an overview of your previous experience,evidence of your qualifications, a description of your main objectives in leading the department and a proposal for the organization of the department's work on one A4 page, and a list of your main scientific results and outputs in writing to:
Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS
Secretariat of the Director
U Slovanky 2525/1a
182 00 Prague 8
no later than 10 June 2022.
It is expected that during a possible personal interview, the candidate will demonstrate knowledge in fields the department is active and present more detailed ideas of the objectives he/she would like to implement as head of the department.
Head of the Technological Development Department
Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v. i. i. (IPP CAS) is a leading public research institution in the field of plasma research in the Czech Republic.
Fusion Plasma division of IPP CAS is directly linked to the international long-term research efforts in mastering thermonuclear fusion in magnetic confinement devices. Experimental research is based on the use of the Czech large research infrastructure COMPASS and on other European facilities within the EUROfusion consortium: JET, ASDEX Upgrade, WEST, and TCV tokamaks. Related diagnostic developments focus on new diagnostic methods, on design and construction of systems for COMPASS Upgrade, ITER, and JT-60SA and on development of diagnostic systems for DEMO. Theory and modelling activities aim on support and interpretation of existing experimental activities within the Fusion Plasma Section as well as within the EUROfusion consortium, on development and validation of numerical codes, and on the understanding of the physics basis of the future devices COMPASS Upgrade, ITER, and DEMO. Technology R&D activities are represented by design and development of systems for the COMPASS Upgrade tokamak.
The Director of the Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS, v. v. i., announces a call for the position of Head of the Technological Development Department within the Fusion Plasma division.
  • university education and scientific or scientific-pedagogical qualifications in the field of physics or physical engineering;
  • significant scientific results and achievements;
  • organizational skills and experience are an advantage;
  • language skills: advanced knowledge of English required, knowledge of Czech is an advantage;
  • moral integrity.
Please send your application includinga brief curriculum vitae with an overview of your previous experience,evidence of your qualifications, a description of your main objectives in leading the department and a proposal for the organization of the department's work on one A4 page, and a list of your main scientific results and outputs in writing to:
Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS
Secretariat of the Director
U Slovanky 2525/1a
182 00 Prague 8
no later than 10 June 2022.
It is expected that during a possible personal interview, the candidate will demonstrate knowledge in fields the department is active and present more detailed ideas of the objectives he/she would like to implement as head of the department.