PhDr. Andrea Beláňová, Ph.D.


Curriculum vitae


2011 – 2017   Doctorate (“Shared Biographies of Arranged Marriages in the Unification Church“)

                       Department for Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University

2009 – 2011    Master’s Degree (“Apostasy from Unification Church from the Point of View of Individual Religiosity”)

                        Department for Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University

2006 – 2009    Bachelor’s Degree (“Society for the Study of Sects and New Religious Movements: Analysis of its Discourse.”)

                        Department for Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University

Field of specialisation: 

since 2018              Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences

                               post-doctoral project: “The Role of Churches and Importance of Religiosity in the Re-Entry Care”

- religiosity in the current society, new religious movements, de/conversion, religion and spirituality in the Czech Republic, chaplaincy

Teaching activities: 

since 2017              Department of Psychology, Faculty of Education, Charles University

                               Basics of Sociology I, II

                               supervision of master thesis and final essays

since 2016              Masaryk University

                               Religion and Violence (whole-university course)

2015 – 2016           Department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University

                               Family in the Age of Insecurity

2013 – 2014           Department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University

                               Unification Church

Foreign scholarships, fellowships or other academic study abroad: 

2012 – 2013       University of Nevada, Reno, NV, USA

                           Fulbright Program (Visiting Researcher)

 2007 – 2008      Universität Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany

                           Erasmus Program                  


Biographic information: 

Andrea Beláňová earned Ph.D. in religious studies at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University in Brno. Currently she works as a lecturer at the Faculty of Education, Charles University, and as a post-doc at the Institute of Sociology of Czech Academy of Sciences. She focuses on the intersection of religious and secular sphere and spent one year as Fulbright visiting researcher at University of Nevada in Reno.

All publications

Chapters in monograph

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Articles with impact factor


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