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Burešovy přednášky v roce 2017

Masashi Yanagisawa

International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine (WPI-IIIS), University of Tsukuba, Japonsko

Termín přednášky: 2. 10. 2017, 15,00 hod.

Místo konání: kinosál FGÚ, Vídeňská 1083

Název přednášky: "Towards the mysteries of sleep: Forward genetic analysis of sleep behavior in mice"

The mechanism of sleep represents one of the greatest mysteries in today's neuroscience. The simple question as to why we have to sleep, as well as what is the physical substrate for "sleepiness," still remain unanswered. We tackle these problems by using a non-hypothesis-based exploratory approach through a large-scale, forward genetic screen of randomly mutagenized mice with EEG/EMG-based sleep/wake recording.


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