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The Zdeněk Pešat Fellowship (ZPF) has been awarded by the Institute of Czech Literature (ICL) at the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) since 2016. This fellowship programme takes its name from one of the ICL’s former directors, an outstanding literary historian.

The ICL usually awards three fellowships each year to support foreign researchers, university lecturers or doctoral candidates with their research projects devoted to Czech literature. At least one of these awards is intended to enhance cooperation with partners in the International Consortium for the Creation and Use of Czech Literary Bibliography.

The fellowship is designed to finance the scholar’s stay for a maximum of four weeks. Up to 30,000 CZK in funds may be used to pay for accommodation, food and other costs associated with the foreign researcher’s study programme at the ICL’s department in Prague or Brno. The costs of travel to and from the Czech Republic, health and travel insurance and other fees related to visiting the Czech Republic cannot be covered.

If you are interested in becoming a visiting researcher at the ICL, we strongly recommend discussing your application in advance with our deputy director for international cooperation, Mag. Dr. Michael Wögerbauer, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Applications for the ZPF must include:

  • Basic information about the applicant: name, academic qualifications, date of birth, current place of work or study (research institution/university), permanent address; intended date of stay (maximum of four weeks)
  • Academic CV
  • Description of the research project including its aims and the proposed programme for the time at the ICL (no more than 4000 characters incl. spaces)
  • Title and abstract of the research project (no more than 500 characters incl. spaces)
  • Selected bibliography of works by the applicant emphasising titles in Czech studies and other research topics currently being pursued at the ICL (PhD candidates may also include their unpublished graduate theses)

More information about the terms and conditions of this programme can be found here.

ZPF holders should preferably be working on projects that align with the research undertaken at our institute. We specialise in the literary history of the Czech lands (and Central Europe in general) and Czech literary thought from its origins to the present day.


Zdeněk Pešat Fellowship Holders:


  • Dr hab.Marcin Filipowicz (Uniwersytet Warszawski, Polsko / Univerzita Hradec Králové, ČR)
  • Mgr. Zuzana Husárová, Ph.D. (Univezita Komenského v Bratislave, SR)
  • Kristin Watterott, M. A. (Universität Leipzig, Německo)
  • Kamila Woźniak, Ph.D. (Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Polsko)



  • Anna Förster (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Německo)
  • Murray G. Hall (Německo)
  • Clara Isabel Martínez Cantón (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Španělsko)
  • Cezary Rosiński (Polish Academy of Sciences, Polsko)
  • Dušan Teplan (Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre, Slovensko)



  •  Mona Garloff (Universität Stuttgart, Německo)
  • Tatyana Skulacheva (Russian Academy of Sciences, Rusko)
  • Ivana Taranenková (Slovenská akadémia vied, Slovensko)



  • Marie Brunová (Universität Salzburg, Rakousko)
  • Joanna Czaplińska (Uniwersytet Opolski, Polsko)
  • Xavier Galmiche (Université Paris IV – Sorbonne Nouvelle, Francie)
  • Grzegorz Nieć (Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie, Polsko)
  • Weronika Parfianowicz-Vertun (Uniwersytet Warszawski, Polsko)
  • Nora Schmidt (Universität Erfurt, Německo)