Oddělení pro komeniologii a intelektuální dějiny raného novověku

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Daniel Herrera Restrepo: the Master of Philosophy in Colombia


June 29, 2022,
4 p.m.,
meeting room of the Institute of Philosophy, Jilská 1, Prague 1

Prof. Germán Vargas Guillén (Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Bogotá, Colombia)

The Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History
the Jan Patočka Archive

Invitation to download.


The philosophy of the Colombian philosopher Daniel Herrera Restrepo (1930–2017) focused on several themes: politics as the basis of philosophy, history as a condition of the possibility of thought, human rights, citizenship education. My reading seeks to characterize the relation between the thought of Herrera Restrepo and Jan Patočka (in the 60s, they met at the Husserl Archive in Leuwen). At the same time, I intend to identify the 'fundamental cores' or 'keys' to understand the philosophical proposals, theories, and alternatives developed by Daniel Herrera Restrepo.


Oddělení pro komeniologii a intelektuální dějiny raného novověku © 2014–2020