Biologia plantarum, 1966 (vol. 8), issue 1


Die frequenz der zellteilungen in der wurzelspitze vonPhaseolus vulgaris nanus

Bohumil Němec

Biologia plantarum 8:5-9, 1966 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02971550

In den Ksimwurzeln eines Kultivars vonPhaseolus vulgaris nanus sind in der Wurzelspitze die Zellen in Päckchen von meist vier oder acht Zellen, die von einer gemeinsamen Zelle abstammen, angeordnet und gut voneinander zu unterscheiden. Diese Anordnung bestätigt den Befund von WAGNER (1937), dass jede Zelle des Wurzelmeristems vom Augenblick ihrer Entstehung an nur eine geringe Anzahl von Teilungen durcl.macht, da die Zellgruppen höchstens aus aeht oder neun, meistens aber aus vier Zellen bestehen. Ausserdem sind diese Zellgruppen in ziemlich gut unterscheidbaren Querscheiben angeoidnet, so dass es scheint, dass die Erstlingszellen jeder Querscheibe...

Comparison of the effects of radiation and deoxyribonucleic acids on the mitosis in roots ofVicia faba

J. Šlotová, Z. Karpfel

Biologia plantarum 8:10-28, 1966 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02971551

Differences as well as similarities in the action of ionizing radiation and deoxyribonucleic acids from various sources on mitosis in root cells ofVicia faba were established. The time course of occurrence of aberrations were examined. Whereas in irradiated broad beant the maximum percentage of aberrations was observed immediately after irradiation, the aps plication of non-isologous DNA was followed by maximum aberrations after 8-16 hours. As all the time-intervals studied, an incraasad number of aberrations was found during metaphase-as compared with anaphases, both after irradiation and after application of DNA.A comparison of isologous,...

Carbon metabolism and morphogenesis of Penicillium frequentans: Glucose consumption

K. B. Deshpande, B. D. Saeje

Biologia plantarum 8:29, 1966 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02971552

The paper deals with the relationship between the glucose utilization and growth ofPenicillium frequentans. The vegetative growth was scanty and sporulation started at a time when glucose was abundant in the culture medium. Occurrence of autolysis in spite of the presence of glucose in the culture medium is a peculiar phenomenon reported here. The autolysing culture gives rise to conditions which favour the germination of spores and the development of vegetative growth. The citric acid is the major metabolite produced by the fungus and its biochemical origin appears to follow condensation of oxalacetate and acetate. Lastly production of citrmin...

Morphology and function of the endoplasmic reticulum

Ivan HrŠel

Biologia plantarum 8:36-52, 1966 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02971553

Comparison with the findings in the cells of other plants and animals showed that the endoplasmic reticulum in the root apex ofFagopyrum has the same general character and function as in other biological objects, i.e. in secretory processes and especially in this case in the transport of the substances produced. Detailed studies of the morphology and activity of the endoplasmic reticulum showed some functional differences which are characteristic for this object. The endoplasmic reticulum participates apparently in the transport of the mass of known but functionally and nomenclatorically controversial formations which here are called dense bodies....

Transmission of carrot mosaic virus by aphids

JiŘí Chod

Biologia plantarum 8:53-59, 1966 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02971554

The transmission of the carrot mosaic virus (CMV) by the aphidsAcyrtJiosiphon pisum HARRÍS,Cavariela aegopodii SCOP, andMyzus persicae SULZ was proved experimentally. It was observed simultaneously that CMV has a non-persistent character. CMV can be transmitted already 2 min after acquisition feeding by the aphidsMyzus persicae SDLZ andCavariella aego-podii Scop. When the time of acquisition feeding is prolonged to 4 min, CMV is transmitted also by aphidAcyrthosiphon pisum HAREÍs. The host range of the investigated virus wasalso determined and its transmission to 8 plant species, belonging to 4 families, was...

Suitable indicators and an altered empirical equation for calculating the CO2 concentration in colorimetric determinations of photosynthetic rate

JiŘí Čatský, ZdenĚk Šesták

Biologia plantarum 8:60-72, 1966 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02971555

Cresol red was found to be the most suitable of the six colour pH indicators tested for the colorimetry of CO2 concentration within the range of 100 to 2000 p.p.m. In the region near pH 8-2 (corresponding approximately to 300 p.p.m. CO2)this indicator is most suitablein view of its low unit concentration, although somewhat greater differences in absorbancy can be found on changing pH by one unit if an approximately six-fold higher concentration of thymol blue is used. For higher concentrations of CO2 (pH below 7-5) phenol red is most appropriate. Tropaeolin 000 and aurin (rosolic acid) are not suitable. It is more convenient...

The Mechanical transmission and some properties of a virus disease of cow-parsnip,Heracleum sphondylium L

Zdenko Polák

Biologia plantarum 8:73-79, 1966 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02971556

The described virus of cow-parsnip,Heracleum sphondylium L., was found in three ruderal localities of Greater Praha. The symptoms are manifested by decolorations which consist of bright yellow areas spreading from the centre of the leaf blade along the main veins. These symptoms appear severely in May. Under higher temperatures and in a chronic stage of infection the symptoms are more or less masked. The disease is mechanically transmissible to parsley, coriander, parsnip, dill, sowbane,Chenopodium quinoa and C.giganteum. The author failed to transmit the disease to celery, carrot, caraway and to 27 species of differential host...

The maintaining of constant soil moisture levels (lower than maximum capillary capacity) in pot experiments

Jiří Václavík

Biologia plantarum 8:80-85, 1966 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02971557

The "injection method" is recommended for maintaining a constant soil moisture at values lower than maximum capillary capacity in pot experiments. The appropriate amount of water is injected into the soil by means of a puncture needle connected with a syringe. The reliability of the above method in relation to the uniformity of the vertical and horizontal distribution of soil moisture was tested in pot experiments with maize. The fortuity of the changes in the soil moisture distribution within the scope of the given variability restricts the "growth of roots towards the water".

Sexual dimorphism in the size of nuclei with dioecious plants

Zdenka Pazourková

Biologia plantarum 8:86-96, 1966 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02971558

Measurements of the size of the nuclei of dioecious plants showed that the nuclei of male and female plants differ in agreement with the larger quantity of chromatin. The male. plants ofRumex acetosella andMelandrium album had larger nuclei, their Y chromosome being larger than the X chromosome, the same is true forRumex acetosa where the Y chromosome is smaller but there are two in the set.Ginkgo biloba had larger female nuclei because the Y chromosome was smaller than the X. The curves obtained by grouping all the nuclei of both sexes never had two peaks with regard to the small differences between the classes of maximum...