Biologia plantarum, 1970 (vol. 12), issue 1


Development of embryoids in carrot root callus culture (Daucus carota L.)

Eva Petrů

Biologia plantarum 12:1-5, 1970 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920872

Embryogenesis occurred in carrot root callus (Daucus carota L.) cultivated on simple synthetic medium containing IAA and 2,4-D. Embryoid development continued also during successive years when the tissue was cultivated on the same nutrient medium without those substances. Sometimes production of plants with atypical leaves was also observed. In those plants development of adventive embryoids occurred repeatedly. Result of this work confirmed reports about the organogenic potentiality of this species and about its sensitivity to some chemical substances.

The transamination of phenylalanine, aspartic acid and ornithine in poppy seedlingsPapaver somniferum L.

Peter Kovács

Biologia plantarum 12:6-10, 1970 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920873

The transamination activity in five or seven days-old poppy seedlings (Papaver somniferum L. cv "Váhovecký") germinated in darkness or light was studied. The changes in L-phenylalanine:-(E.C., aspartic acid:-(E.C., and L-ornithine: α-oxoglutarate transaminase (E.C. were followed and correlated with duration and conditions of cultivation.

Content of phenolic compounds and lignification of the woody parts of apple shoots depending on mineral nutrition

H. Miidla, A. Milius, T. Vainjärv

Biologia plantarum 12:11-18, 1970 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920874

The paper deals with the effect of mineral nutrition on the content of free flavonoid glycosides (phloridzin, hyperine) free and bound C6-C1 aldehydes (vanillin, syringic aldehyde) in the woody parts of apple shoots of the variety 'Antonovka' and on the content of products oxidized by nitrobenzene (vanillin, syringic aldehyde) in connection with the lignification of cell walls.It was established that the biosynthesis of phenolic compounds is retarded under the influenco of nitrogenous fertilizer while the biosynthesis of proteins is activated, intensifying growth. Contrary to nitric fertilizer, phosphoric with potassic fertilizers...

Testing of production properties of algal clones in greater sets

J. Nečas

Biologia plantarum 12:19-30, 1970 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920875

The author describes the testing method for clonal selections from the original strainScenedesmus quadricaudaGreifswald/15 in biomass production. This method served for testing the clones in greater series. It was applied to clonal cultures selected on a solid medium after treatment of the coenobia with UV-light before their inoculation. The production characteristic of the clones was expressed by the temperature dependence of the constant μ from Simmer's growth equation in the last step of the testing process used. Some significant differences of this kind were found among the evaluated clonal cultures. This way of characterization facilitates...

Precipitation of S, M, X and Y potato viruses by polyethyleneglycols with different molecular weights

Liana Albrechtová, O. Klír

Biologia plantarum 12:31-40, 1970 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920876

The minimum concentration of polyethyleneglycol (PEG) with molecular weights 4000, 6000, and 15000 necessary for precipitation of S, M, X and Y potato viruses was determined. An excessive amount of PEG causes the precipitation of other protein compounds from potato leaf cell sap. In order to obtain highly purified samples, it is necessary to use just the minimum sufficient amount of PEG. Using the minimum quantity of PEG is, also, advisable from an economical point of view. The minimum concentration of PEG of given molecular weight differs for different potato disease viruses. The concentration of PEG necessary for precipitation of a given potato virus...

Studies on growth and utilization of stylar carbohydrate by pollen tubes and callose development in self-incompatibleOenothera organesis

S. Kumar, A. Hecht

Biologia plantarum 12:41-46, 1970 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920877

The addition of boric acid or calcium, or both boric acid and calcium to the warm water in which the styles were treated led to a further enhancement of pollen tube growth in otherwise incompatible styles.It was established that developing pollen tubes ofOenothera organesis obtain sugar from the stylar tissue through which they grow. The rate of this utilization of endogenous sugar was stimulated by the addition of boric acid.It was further established that with increased pollen tube development there was reduction in callose plugs as well as in content of endogenous stylar sugar.

Structure and conductivity of the corn root system

Mária Luxová, V. Kozinka

Biologia plantarum 12:47-57, 1970 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920878

When comparing conductivity in 5 mm long segments from the basis of the primary seminal root with that in segments from adventitious roots of the first to fifth node it was revealed that the conductivity is not a general function of the transection area. The conductivity determined experimentally is minimal in the primary seminal root and gradually increases in the adventitious roots. However, when calculating per area unit, roots of the first coleoptile node appear the most efficient, with roots of the second and third node the values gradually decrease, and conductivity in roots of the fourth and fifth node approximately equals that of the primary...

The effect of dinitrophenol, sodium arsenate, sodium phosphate and indole-3-acetic acid on the heat of respiration of germinating wheat seeds

S. J. Maleszewski

Biologia plantarum 12:58-63, 1970 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920879

The rate of carbon dioxide evolution, respiration quotient, and the rate of liberation of heat were determined on the 3rd day of germination of wheat seeds. The seeds were germinated with pure water (control) or they were transferred for a 5-hour period to a solution of dinitrophenol, sodium arsenate, sodium phosphate or indole-3-acetic acid. The heat liberated was compared with the total energy released in respiratory processes of the seedlings, calculated from the gas exchange measurements. The amount of heat liberated for 1mm of carbon dioxide evolved and for 1mm of oxygen absorbed was definitely changed in the presence of the compounds used. However,...

Influence of correlations between organs on growth and floral development of eotyledonary buds ofScrofularia arguta Sol.

E. Miginiac

Biologia plantarum 12:64-70, 1970 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920880

The importance of various correlative influences on growth and vegetative or floral development of cotyledonary buds inScrofularia argutaSol. is shown. The terminal bud, on the one hand, inhibits growth of cotyledonary buds and, on the other hand, induces their early flowering. The cotyledon stimulates growth of its axillary bud, but has no action on its floral development. Leaves above the cotyledonary node have the same effect as the cotyledon. Finally, roots stimulate vegetative growth of cotyledonary buds and suppress floral expression, but only when apical dominance has been removed at an early stage of development.

Influence of natural substances of phenolic character and diethyldithiocarbamate on the metabolism of L-tryptophan in cabbage, maize and pea

V. Kefeli, M. Kutáček, Květa Vacková

Biologia plantarum 12:81-90, 1970 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920884

The effect of phenolic substances isolated earlier from cabbage, maize and pea on L-tryptophan-3-14C (L-Try-14C) metabolism in those plants was investigated. For the sake of comparison the effect of diethyldithiocarbamate (DIECA) on cabbage was also observed. A phenolic substance of unknown structure isolated from cabbage was utilised in a 0.5 mg/ml concentration, p-coumaric acid (PCA) from maize in 0.7 mg/ml concentration and quercetinglucosyl-coumarate (QGC) found in pea in 8 mg/ml concentration were used. The chosen concentrations were on the limit of their inhibitory effect on the growth of the respective plant apical segments....

Contribution to the study of seasonal dynamics of endogenous stimulators and inhibitors in peach trees

Z. Raška, F. Hladík

Biologia plantarum 12:91-97, 1970 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920885

For three consecutive years the content of natural stimulators and inhibitors was observed in leaves and shoots of peach trees. Research was directed to the question of development of flower buds.The substances under study were isolated from the acidic fraction of ether extracts by means of paper chromatography and their concentration was determined by biological test. The activities of substances which either stimulate or inhibit the growth of oat coleoptiles, were added up. The curve expressing the content of stimulators in shoots in relation to the fresh weight showed its maximum in the period of full growth of shoots (15 June-15 July according...

Hydroxylation reactions in roots of maize (Zea mays L.)

Tatiana Pšenáková, P. Kovács, M. Pšenák, J. Kolek

Biologia plantarum 12:98-104, 1970 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920886

The authors succeeded in demonstrating accumulation of tyrosine and p-coumaric acid in three day-old roots of maize (Zea mays L.) fed with L-phenylalanine and cinnamic acid. Phenylpyruvic acid applied under the same conditions gave rise to phenylalanine, indicating the presence of the corresponding transferase activity. Even simultaneous application of inhibitors of transaminase activity-hydroxylamine and isonicotinic acid hydrazide-did not result in the formation of p-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid.

Brief Communications

The dynamics of the uptake of unionized [NP(NH2)2]2 by barley plants

L. Ondráček, J. Hampl, W. Waněk

Biologia plantarum 12:71-73, 1970 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920881

The dynamics of the uptake by barley plants of trimer phosphonitrile-amide [PN(NH2)2]3 labelled with32P was studied. It was shown experimentally that the covalent compound [PN(NH2)2]3 enters the plants more rapidly than (NH4)2HPO4. Hence it was concluded that the mechanisms of the transport of [PN(NH2)2]3 and (NH4)2HPO4 into the cells, across the cell membranes, are different.

Distribution of tin in shoots of horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.)

Milada Rottová

Biologia plantarum 12:74-77, 1970 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920882

Seedlings of horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) originating from two different localities were cut into several parts in which the tin content was estimated. When expressed per dry weight unit the vegetative parts of plants contain about 9 μg Sn per g dry weight, its content in apical parts of stem and root being still higher. This gives evidence of good mobility of tin in the plant.

The relationship between the resistance to water transport and the water saturation deficit in leaf tissue of kale and tobacco

Jana Pospíšilová

Biologia plantarum 12:78-80, 1970 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920883

Positive linear correlation between the resistance to water transport in liquid phase and water saturation deficit (w.s.d.) in the tissue ofBrassica oleracea andNicotiana tabacum leaves was observed. At the same values of w.s.d. corresponding values of the resistance to water transport were higher when dehydration of the leaf tissue occurred during the experiment and lower when water balance was in equilibrium or resaturation of the leaf tissue occurred.