Global Registry of Scientific Collections

Calcinus tubularis (Linnaeus, 1767). Photo by Corbari L. via MNHN - Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

This global registry of scientific collections builds on a comprehensive, community-curated clearing house of collections information initially developed by the Consortium of the Barcode of Life (CBOL).

The collections registry includes data on institutions, collections and associated staff members and spans all scientific disciplines, including earth and space sciences, anthropology, archaeology, biology and biomedicine, as well as applied fields like agriculture, veterinary medicine and technology.

The collections registry also serves as the registry for InstitutionCodes and CollectionCodes—elements used in the DarwinCore data standard used in the biodiversity informatics community. Use of these terms enables publications and databases to point unambiguously to collections and their contents.

The main goals of GRSciColl are to:

  1. Improve access to information about scientific collections, their host institutions as well as contacts for key collections and curatorial staff
  2. Improve interoperability among databases by providing unique codes and machine-readable identifiers for institutions and collections

The current phase of development has opened the registry to validated users for submissions and edits. Subsequent stages will engage other partners to add functionality like linking collections to specimens, tracking DOI-based citations of collections, and supporting or enhancing various collection metadata schemas.

If you are interested in curating information for your institutions and collections, please contact us at

GRSciColl data sources and maintenance

Staff members from institutions and collections originally contributed the information contained in GRSciColl, either directly or through partners and predecessors like the NCBI Institution table and Collection table,, or the Biodiversity Collections Index.

Maintenance and development of GRSciColl is an ongoing task, and key priorities are outlined in this road map.

GBIF is working with partners to establish a standardized, interoperable flow of information between this registry and other key collections infrastructures. GRSciColl runs a weekly synchronization with Index Herbariorum (IH). Following content migration from iDigBio Collections, GRSciColl shares an integrated registry delivering consistent information with shared editing access to users of both and

GBIF has restored community-curation functionality, enabling those working within each of the institutions and collections to help maintain up-to-date information in the registry.