

Prof. Germán Vargas Guillén: Daniel Herrera Restrepo: the Master of Philosophy in Colombia

29. 06. 2022
Meeting room of the Institute of Philosophy, Jilská 1, Prague 1

Prof. Germán Vargas Guillén: Daniel Herrera Restrepo: the Master of Philosophy in Colombia

Organized by the The Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History and the Jan Patočka Archive.

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Dr. Jessica Cronshagen: Identity and Memory in the Correspondence of 18th Century Female Missionaries of the Moravian Church in Suriname

27. 06. 2022
Academic Conference Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Husova 4a, Prague 1

Dr. Jessica Cronshagen: Identity and Memory in the Correspondence of 18th Century Female Missionaries of the Moravian Church in Suriname

Organized by the COST Action Women on the Move (CA 19 112) and the Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History, Institute of Philosophy, CAS.

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William Duba: Digital Fragmentology: Promises and Challenges

21. 06. 2022
15:30 CET
Academic Conference Centre, Husova 4a, Prague and on ZOOM

William Duba: Digital Fragmentology: Promises and Challenges

Organized by the by the ERC funded research group TRIPTIC-EU within the Department for the Study of Ancient and Medieval Thought (Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences).

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Christopher D. Schabel: Prozymites and Utraquists at the Council of Basel: Hermann Zoest and the Quarrel over Unleavened Bread

21. 06. 2022
Academic Conference Centre, Husova 4a, Prague and on ZOOM

Christopher D. Schabel: Prozymites and Utraquists at the Council of Basel: Hermann Zoest and the Quarrel over Unleavened Bread

Organized by the Department for the Study of Ancient and Medieval Thought in cooperation with the Centre for Medieval Studies and the Centre for Classical Studies (Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences).

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Volodymyr Volkovskyj, Ph.D.: Idea „ruského světa“ od Puškina po Putina: filosofická a politická perspektiva

15. 06. 2022
Akademické konferenční centrum AV ČR, Husova 4a, Praha 1

Volodymyr Volkovskyj, Ph.D.: Idea „ruského světa“ od Puškina po Putina: filosofická a politická perspektiva

Pořádá Collegium Europaeum FF UK & FLÚ AV ČR a Oddělení pro studium antického a středověkého myšlení AV ČR.

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Prof. Joff P. N. Bradley: What has happened to Desire? Deleuze and Reich on Social Reclusion

14. 06. 2022
Academic Conference Centre (AKC), Husova 4a, Prague 1

Prof. Joff P. N. Bradley: What has happened to Desire? Deleuze and Reich on Social Reclusion

Organized by the Department of Contemporary Continental Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences

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Mark Windsor: Feeling through Things

09. 06. 2022
Meeting room of the Centre for Medieval Studies

Mark Windsor: Feeling through Things

Organized by the Department of Analytic Philosophy of the Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Science

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Francisco Hernández-Quiroz: Epistemic Kolmogorov Complexity

20. 06. 2022
Meeting room of the Institute of Philosophy, Jilská 1, Prague 1

Francisco Hernández-Quiroz: Epistemic Kolmogorov Complexity

Organized by the Centre for formal epistemology, Institute of Philosophy, CAS

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lectures connected with the release of the book Hans-Herbert Kögler’s Critical Hermeneutics

06. 06. 2022
Academic Conference Center, Husova 4a, Prague 1

lectures connected with the release of the book Hans-Herbert Kögler’s Critical Hermeneutics

Organized by the Department for the Study of Modern Czech Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, CAS

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Jakub Mihálik: Inner Awareness, Intimacy, and Acquaintance

30. 05. 2022
Meeting room, Institute of Philosophy CAS, Jilská 1, Prague 1

Jakub Mihálik: Inner Awareness, Intimacy, and Acquaintance

Organized by the Department for the Study of Early Modern Rationality and by the  Department of Analytic Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, CAS

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