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Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences


Volume 79, Issue 8

About the Journal

The Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences (JAS) publishes basic research related to the physics, dynamics, and chemistry of the atmosphere of Earth and other planets, with emphasis on the quantitative and deductive aspects of the subject.

ISSN: 0022-4928; eISSN: 1520-0469

Editor in Chief

Anne K. Smith, National Center for Atmospheric Research

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Impact Factor


2021 Journal Impact Factors in the Meteorology and Atmospheric Science category

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Dependence of Ice Crystal Size Distributions in High Ice Water Content Conditions on Environmental Conditions: Results from the HAIC-HIWC Cayenne Campaign

Yachao Hu, Greg M. McFarquhar, Peter Brechner, Wei Wu, Yongjie Huang, Alexei Korolev, Alain Protat, Cuong Nguyen, Mengistu Wolde, Alfons Schwarzenboeck, Robert M Rauber, and Hongqing Wang
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Impact of Meteorological Factors on the Mesoscale Morphology of Cloud Streets during a Cold Air Outbreak over the Western North Atlantic

Jingyi Chen, Hailong Wang, Xiangyu Li, David Painemal, Armin Sorooshian, Kenneth Lee Thornhill, Claire Robinson, and Taylor Shingler
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Assessing Rain Drop Breakup Parameterizations using Disdrometer Observations

Stephen M. Saleeby, Brenda Dolan, Jennie Bukowski, Kristen Van Valkenburg, Susan C. van den Heever, and Steven A. Rutledge
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Impact of cloud base turbulence on CCN activation: CCN distribution

Wojciech W. Grabowski, Lois Thomas, and Bipin Kumar
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A Moist Available Potential Energy Budget for an Axisymmetric Tropical Cyclone

Bethan L. Harris, Rémi Tailleux, Christopher E. Holloway, and Pier Luigi Vidale
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Uncovering the Intrinsic Intensity-Size Relationship of Tropical Cyclones

Jie Sun, Ming Cai, Guosheng Liu, Ruikai Yan, and Da-Lin Zhang
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A Theory for the Hadley Cell Descending and Ascending Edges Throughout the Annual Cycle

Spencer A. Hill, Simona Bordoni, and Jonathan L. Mitchell
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Exploring the Role of Deep Moist Convection in the Wavenumber Spectra of Atmospheric Kinetic Energy and Brightness Temperature

Da Fan, Steven J. Greybush, Xingchao Chen, Yinghui Lu, Fuqing Zhang, and George S. Young
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Dynamic pressure drag on rising buoyant thermals in a neutrally stable environment

Hugh Morrison, Nadir Jeevanjee, and Jun-Ichi Yano
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Detecting non-equilibrium states in atmospheric turbulence.

Marta Wacławczyk, Jakub L. Nowak, Holger Siebert, and Szymon P. Malinowski
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The Impact of Land Surface Properties on Haboobs and Dust Lofting

Jennie Bukowski and Susan C. van den Heever
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Global Distributions of Tropospheric and Stratospheric Gravity Wave Momentum Fluxes Resolved by the 9-km ECMWF Experiments

Junhong Wei, Fuqing Zhang, Jadwiga H. Richter, M. Joan Alexander, and Y. Qiang Sun
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Cloud Droplet Nucleation Simulation and Parameterization

Jiming Sun, Jun Zhang, Wei Deng, Wenhao Hu, and Yongqing Wang
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How Close Are Leading Tropical Tropospheric Temperature Perturbations to Those under Convective Quasi-Equilibrium?

Yi-Xian Li, J. David Neelin, Yi-Hung Kuo, Huang-Hsiung Hsu, and Jia-Yuh Yu
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On the Dynamics of Indian Ocean Teleconnections into the Southern Hemisphere during Austral Winter

Z. E. Gillett, H. H. Hendon, J. M. Arblaster, H. Lin, and D. Fuchs
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Modeling the Shallow Cumulus-topped Boundary Layer at Gray Zone Resolutions

Yahua Wang, Xiaoping Cheng, Jianfang Fei, and Bowen Zhou
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Observed subcloud layer moisture and heat budgets in the trades

Anna Lea Albright, Sandrine Bony, Bjorn Stevens, and Raphaela Vogel
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Colliding ice crystals in turbulent clouds

M. Z. Sheikh, K. Gustavsson, E. Lévêque, B. Mehlig, A. Pumir, and A. Naso
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The Influence of the Diurnal Cycle in Wind Shear and Thermodynamics on Squall Lines in the West African Monsoon.

Megan Bickle, John H Marsham, Stephen D Griffiths, Andrew N Ross, and Julia Crook
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On the Influence of Surface Latent Heat Fluxes on Idealized Extratropical Cyclones

Reuben Demirdjian, James D. Doyle, Peter M. Finocchio, and Carolyn A. Reynolds
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Sensitivities of Maritime Tropical Trimodal Convection to Aerosols and Boundary Layer Static Stability

G. Alexander Sokolowsky, Sean W. Freeman, and Susan C. van den Heever

Volume 79 (2022): Issue 8 (Aug 2022)

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Spectrally Consistent Scattering, Absorption, and Polarization Properties of Atmospheric Ice Crystals at Wavelengths from 0.2 to 100 μm

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Years of the Maritime Continent (YMC)

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