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FZU is the largest institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences and our scientists are achieving worldwide success in a wide range of physical sciences - from elementary particles to laser physics. We work with schools, students, industry and the public sphere. Read about our latest research and look up events where you can meet us.
Researchers have discovered antiferromagnetic changes on the atomic scale
The atomically sharp domain walls that were discovered by an international team led by researchers from the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, might considerably improve the research of ulta-fast memory devices made from antiferromagnetic materials.
Almost six million Euros for a new generation of scientists
The Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences – as the only research institution in the Czech Republic – has been awarded the European Union’s prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions COFUND grant. Almost six million Euros, i.e. more than 146 million Czech Korunas, will be used to fund 60 two-years’ postdoctoral fellowships.
Replacing natural gas with hydrogen – part will also be played by scientists from the Institute of Physics
Maximize efficiency and minimize costs in the production of hydrogen using solar decomposition of water – this is what a team of scientists led by Zdeněk Hubička from the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic is trying to do.
FZU researchers are taking part in developing a system for a timely detection of melanoma in humans
A device that uses a single blood drop to determine whether a patient has a melanoma, and, possibly, at what stage, is being developed by an international research team that includes researchers from the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences led by the researcher Jakub Dostálek. As part of the VerSiLiB project, they are building a device capable of capturing and detecting even very small amounts of molecules produced by tumour cells, which can be used as biomarkers.
Complex magnetic behavior in rare-earth rich intermetallic compounds - R3T
How to publish open access with the CzechElib read & publish agreement

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About the Institute of Physics
The Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences is a public research institution that contributes basic and applied research in the field of physics to new revolutionary discoveries and innovations, helps in the education of students and makes physics accessible to the public.