Dr. Ovidiu Emil Iudean

Curriculum Vitae
- 2009–2012 – PhD in History, Babeș-Bolyai University (UBB) of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca
- 2007–2009 – MA History and Social Anthropology of the Modern Era at UBB Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of History and Philosophy
- 2003–2007 – BA Archival Sciences and History at UBB Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of History and Philosophy
Research interests
political and social history of Dualist Hungary, with a particular focus on the history of parliamentarianism, the history of elite formation, and the history of nation-building strategies
Research projects as Principal Investigator
- Raising the Nation. Institutional and Grassroots Initiatives for Orphan Welfare in Transylvania during Dualism, UEFISCDI (Romanian Science Financing Authority), PN-III-P-1.1.-TE-2019-0472, 2020–ongoing
- Nation-Building Strategy or Bourgeois Choices? Romanian Graduates of Law in Dualist Hungary, UEFISCDI (Romanian Science Financing Authority), PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2016-1468, 2018–2020
- Elite Collective Strategies of Educational Development of the Romanians from Dualist Hungary. Social Networks and Success Indicators, UBB Cluj-Napoca (GTC2015), 2015–2016
- The Integration of the Banat Elite in the Political Life of Great Romania (1919–1930), POSDRU/159/1.5/S/140863 (CCPE), West University of Timișoara, 2014–2015
Membership in Editorial Boards and Scholarly Societies
- Since 2016: membership in SRS - Society for Romanian Studies
- Since 2018: membership in ICHRPI - International Commission for the History of Representative and Parliamentary Institutions
Foreign Scholarships, Fellowships and Research Stays
- Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung, Regensburg, Germany, 2014, December – 2015, April (research stay)
- Magyar Tudományos Akadémia. Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Történettudományi Intézete, Budapest, Hungary, 2011, September – December (research stay)
Most important publications
- Dăncilă-Ineoan, Andreea – Eppel, Marius – Iudean, Ovidiu Emil. Voices of the Churches, Voices of the Nationalities: Competing Loyalties in the Upper House of the Hungarian Parliament, Berlin: Peter Lang, 2019, p. 260, ISBN 978-3-631-73555-8
- Iudean, Ovidiu Emil. The Romanian Governmental Representatives in the Budapest Parliament (1881-1918), Cluj-Napoca: Editura Mega, 2016, p. 258, ISBN 978-606-543-801-9
Book chapters
- Iudean, Ovidiu Emil. Bridging the Gap: Romanian Parliamentary Elite in Aid of their Communities during World War I. World War I. The Other Face of the War, Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2016 – (Bolovan, I.; Gräf, R.; Heppner, H.; Tămaș, O.M.), pp. 95–108. ISBN 978-606-37-0069-9.
- Iudean, Ovidiu Emil – Sorescu, Oana. From Protest Petitions to Parlamentary Action - The Attitude of the Leadership of the Nationalities in Hungary in Regards to the Minister Ágoston Trefort's Magyarization Policy. Empires and Nations from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century (vol. 2). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014 (Biagini, A.; Motta, G.), pp. 248–257. ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-6017-8
- Popovici, Vlad – Iudean, Ovidiu Emil – Onojescu, Alexandru. Parliamentary Representation in Eastern Hungary 1867-1918. Preliminary results of a prosopographic inquiry. Elites and Politics in Central and Eastern Europe 1848-1918. Frankfurt am Main etc.: Peter Lang, 2014 (Pál, J.; Popovici, V.), pp. 211–224. ISBN 978-3-631-64939-8; ISBN eBook: 978-3-653-04031-9
- Dăncilă-Ineoan, Andreea – Eppel, Marius – Iudean, Ovidiu Emil (eds.). Polifonii politico-ecleziastice. Discursuri ale elitei clericale din Camera Superioară a Parlamentului Ungariei (1867–1918) [Political-ecclesiastical polyphonies. Speeches of the clerical elite in the Upper House of the Parliament of Hungary]. Cluj-Napoca: Mega, 2020, 501 p. ISBN 978-606-543-874-3.
- Dăncilă-Ineoan, Andreea – Iudean, Ovidiu Emil (eds.). Construind Unirea cea Mare. Națiune și Regalitate (1881–1914) [Building the Great Union. Nation and Royalty (1881-1914)] (vol. 2). Cluj-Napoca: Editura Școala Ardeleană, 2018, 944 p. ISBN 978-606-797-417-1
- Pál, Judit – Fehér, Andrea – Iudean, Ovidiu Emil – Popovici, Vlad (eds.), Ferenczi, Szilárd – Hirsch, Sandra – Onojescu, Alexandru (collaborators). Parliamentary Elections in Eastern Hungary and Transylvania 1865–1918., Frankfurt am Main etc.: Peter Lang, 2018, 390 p. ISBN 978-3-631-69731-3.
- Iudean, Ovidiu Emil – Onojescu, Alexandru – Sava, Alina – Popovici, Vlad (eds.). Un medic transilvănean: Nicolae Stoia (1830–1879). Studiu biografic, corespondență și documente. [A Transylvanian physician: Nicolae Stoia (1830–1879). A biography with letters and papers]. Cluj-Napoca: Mega, 2018, 251 p., e-book, ISBN 978-606-543-866-8.
- Păcățian, Teodor V. – Iudean, Ovidiu Emil. Un mecenat român: Dr. Iosif Gall [A Romanian Maecena: Dr. Iosif Gall]. Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2012, 201 p. ISBN 978-973-595-475-8.
Articles in impacted journals
- Iudean, Ovidiu Emil. Defending the ‘Sacrilege Against the Homeland’: The Romanian Legal Elite in Hungary on the Benches of the Memorandum Trial (1894). Acta Poloniae Historica. 2020, No. 121, pp. 161–179. ISSN 0001-6829.
- Dăncilă-Ineoan, Andreea – Iudean, Ovidiu Emil. The Activism of the Middle Clergy in Support of the National Desideratum: Romanian Archpriests at the Great National Assembly in Alba Iulia. Transylvanian Review. 2018, vol. XXVII, No. 3, pp. 35–49. ISSN 1221-1249.
- Onojescu, Alexandru – Iudean, Ovidiu Emil. Politics, Nationalism, and Parliamentarianism: Romanian Representatives in the Budapest Parliament (1861–1918). Transylvanian Review. 2013, vol. XXII, No. 4, pp. 3–16. ISSN 1221-1249.
- Iudean, Ovidiu Emil. The involvement of Romanian Candidates in the Hungarian Parliamentary Elections during the Last Decade of the 19th Century. Transylvanian Review. 2011, vol. XX, Supplement No. 2:1, [Thinking the Future through the Past], pp. 385–396. ISSN 1221-1249.
Articles in other peer-reviewed journals
- Iudean, Ovidiu Emil. Growing Shepherds, Building Elites: Supporting the Education of the Middle Clergy in Northern Transylvania in the Late Nineteenth Century. Anuarul Institutului de Cercetări Socio-Umane „Gheorghe Şincai” al Academiei Române, 2019, vol. XXII, pp. 5–22. ISSN 1454-5284
- Iudean, Ovidiu Emil. Making the Man of Law in Dualist Hungary: Alexa David’s Career Strategies and Personal Networks on the Eve of the Twentieth Century. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Historia, 2018, vol. 63, No. 2, pp. 16–35. ISSN (print) 1220-0492; ISSN (online) 2065-9598
- Iudean, Ovidiu Emil. National Sentiment and Political Pragmatism. The Parliamentary Representative Constantin Burdia and „The Romanian People Affair”. Banatica, 2018, No. 28, pp. 737–750. ISSN 1222-0612
- Iudean, Ovidiu Emil. Elite Strategies of Minority Nation-Building in Dualist Hungary: Law Graduates Supported by the Năsăud Border Regiment Scholarship Funds. Banatica, 2017, No. 27, pp. 517–533. ISSN 1222-0612
- Dăncilă-Ineoan, Andreea – Eppel, Marius – Iudean, Ovidiu Emil. „To the Beloved clergy and the people”. The discourse of the Orthodox ecclesiastical elite in Transylvania in the pastoral letters during the years of the Great War. Anuarul Institutului de Istorie „George Barițiu” din Cluj-Napoca, Series Historica, 2016, vol. LV, Supplement, pp. 127–143. ISSN (online) 2344-2107
- Iudean, Ovidiu Emil. Political Options and Electoral Behavior in the Case of the Arad Romanian Elite at the End of the Nineteenth Century. Analele Banatului, S.N. Arheologie-Istorie, 2016, No. XXIV, pp. 495–503. ISSN 1221-678X
- Iudean, Ovidiu Emil. From Budapest to Bucharest. The Parliamentary Elite from Banat Before and After the Great War. Banatica, 2017, No. 25, pp. 375–389. ISSN 1222-0612
- Iudean, Ovidiu Emil. The Romanian Parliamentary Elite from Banat on the Eve of the First World War. The Romanian Journal of Modern History, 2015, vol. VI, No. 1–2, pp. 41–58, ISSN 2068-715X
- Iudean, Ovidiu Emil. The Banat Political Elite During The 1926 General Election. Analele Banatului, S.N. Arheologie-Istorie, 2015, No. XXIII, pp. 451–458. ISSN 1221-678X
- Iudean, Ovidiu Emil – Popovici, Vlad. Romanian election newssheets in Banat and Transylvania before 1918. Analele Banatului. S.N. Arheologie-Istorie, 2014, No. XXII, pp. 355–361, ISSN 1221-678X.
- Popovici, Vlad – Iudean, Ovidiu Emil. The Elective Representation of the Romanian in the Hungarian Parliament. Studia Universitatis Petru Maior. Seria Historia, 2011, No. 11, pp. 121–146. ISSN 1582-8433