Program Details

The study program Master in Applied Economics is temporarily suspended to allow for planned administrative changes. Check out our current study offer.

Why to Choose Our Program

Program Structure and Faculty

  • The program is divided into 3 semesters, each 13 weeks long, including one week for final exams.
  • Each course meets twice per week for 90-minute lecture sessions and once for an additional 90-minute exercise session.
  • To graduate, you need to take all 5 core and at least 7 elective courses, plus pass all communication and pass/fail courses with a cumulative GPA of at least 1.75, and pay all your tuition fees.

If you are interested in a part-time option, feel free to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to agree on an individual study plan.

Online Preparatory Semester and Math Review Week: Getting Ready (July – mid-September)

Fall Semester: Foundations (mid September – December)

Spring Semester: Acquiring Experience (January – mid April)

Summer Semester: Ready For Impact (May – mid July)

