Pracovní zařazení: 
vědecký pracovník


  • 1998: Ph.D. v oboru sociálních a politických věd, Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge, UK; dizertace: A comparative investigation into the dynamics of environmental politics in Western and Eastern Europe 1988-1993 with special reference to the Czech Republic
  • 1990:  RNDr. v oboru geografie, Univerzita Karlova, Praha
  • Neformálnost
  • Každodenní trvalá udržitelnost
  • Resilience
  • Alternativní potravinové sítě
  • Potravinový systém
  • Outdoorová kultura
  • Zelená politika
  • Geografie produkce poznání
Pedagogická činnost: 
  • 1994-1996 a 2002-2020: Distanční výuka environmentální geografie na bakalářském a  doktorském stupni, Open University, Milton Keynes, Velká Británie
  • 2016-2020: Seminar Agrar- und Regionalsoziologie II (Einführung in Agro-food studies; 20 hodin), Katedra sociologie, Univerzita Innsbruck, Rakousko
Zahraniční stáže a studijní pobyty: 
  • 2019: Ruralia Institute Visiting Scholarship, Helsinki University, Mikkeli, Finsko (měsíc)
  • 2000-2001: Jean Monnet Fellow, European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre, Florencie, Itálie (10 měsíců)

Vybrané přednášky typu keynote address:

  • 2019: East European informal food production and distribution: socially resilient, economically diverse and quietly sustainable. Keynote address at the 19th IAMO Forum: ‘Small farms in transition: How to stimulate inclusive growth?’ Halle, Germany, 26-28 June 2019
  • 2019: (Home-grown) Food for Thought: Putting the European East Back on the Map of Knowledge Production. Keynote address at the Conference of the Estonian Social Sciences Society, University of Tartu, Estonia, 26-27 April 2019
  • 2017: Sustainability hidden in plain sight: Lessons from Central and East European food practices. Opening keynote address at the conference ‘Alternative food supply networks in Central and Eastern Europe: Towards new grounds for interpretation and collaboration’, Baltic Studies Centre and Latvian Academy of Culture, Riga, Latvia, 13–14 October 2017
  • 2016: Wasted Eastern promise: The sustainability lessons the West ignores. Invited opening plenary talk at the conference ‘Political Ecology, Environmentalism and Greens in the Centre and East of Europe: Past, Present and Prospects’, Université libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium, 2–3 June 2016
  • 2015: The invisible gardener: Why key sustainability lessons from the East are being ignored. Semi-plenary keynote address at the 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association ‘Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination’. Semi-plenary ‘Extending Western view of the social world: Eastern Europe, social science and unequal knowledge production’, Prague, Czechia, 25-28 August 2015
  • 2013: Food Self-provisioning, rural resilience and vulnerability in Central and Eastern Europe in times of crisis. Keynote address at XXV Congress of the European Society for Rural Sociology, Florence, Italy, 29 July-1 August

Vybrané publikace od roku 2010:

McGreevy, Steven R., Rupprecht, Christoph, D. D., Niles, Daniel et al. (2022) Sustainbale agrifood systems for a post-growth world. Nature Sustainability, Open Access

Daněk, Petr, Sovová, Lucie, Jehlička, Petr, Vávra, Jan and Lapka Miloslav (2022) From coping strategy to a hopeful everyday practice: Changing interpretations of food self-provisioning. Sociologia Ruralis 62(3): 651-671.

Jehlička, Petr. 2021. „Eastern Europe and the geography of knowledge production: The case of the invisible gardener“. Progress in Human Geography

Jehlička, Petr, Kerstin Jacobsson. 2021. „The importance of recognizing difference: Rethinking Central and East European environmentalism“. Political Geography 87 Article number 102379, Open Access:

Jehlička, Petr, Branko Ančić, Petr Daněk, Mladen Domazet. 2021. „Beyond hardship and joy: framing home gardening on insights from the European semi-periphery“. Geoforum 126: 150-158.

Sovová, Lucie, Petr Jehlička, Petr Daněk. 2021. „Growing the Beautiful Anthropocene: Ethics of Care in East European Gardens“. Sustainability 13(9) Article number 5193. Open Access:

Jehlička, Petr, Miķelis Grīviņš, Oane Visser, Bálint Balázs. 2020. „Thinking food like an East European: A critical reflection on the framing of food systems“. Journal of Rural Studies 76: 286-295.

Daněk Petr, Petr Jehlička. 2020. „Quietly Degrowing: Food Self-provisioning in Central Europe“. Pp. 33 - 44 in Food for Degrowth: Perspectives and Practices, ed. by A. Nelson, F. Edwards. Abingdon: Routledge, ISBN 9780367436469.

Visser, Oane, Stefan Dorondel, Petr Jehlička, Max Spoor. 2019. “Post-socialist smallholders: silence, resistance and alternatives“. Canadian Journal for Development Studies / Revue canadienne d'études du développement 40(4): 499-510.

Jehlička, Petr, Petr Daněk, Jan Vávra. 2019. „Rethinking resilience: Home gardening, food sharing and everyday resistance“. Canadian Journal for Development Studies / Revue canadienne d'études du développement 40(4): 511-527.

Fendrychová, Lenka, Petr Jehlička. 2018. „Revealing the hidden geography of alternative food networks: The travelling concept of farmers’ markets“. Geoforum 85: 1-10.

Vávra, Jan, Petr Daněk, Petr Jehlička. 2018. „What is the contribution of food self-provisioning towards environmental sustainability? A case study of active gardener“. Journal of Cleaner Production 185: 1015-1023.

De Hoop, Evelien, Petr Jehlička. 2017. „Reluctant pioneers in the European periphery? Environmental activism, food consumption and ‘growing your own’“. Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability 22(7): 809-824.

Jehlička, Petr, Petr Daněk. 2017. „Rendering the actually existing sharing economy visible: home grown food and the pleasure of sharing“. Sociologia Ruralis 57(3): 274-296.

Smith, Joe, Tomáš Kostelecký, Petr Jehlička. 2015. „Quietly does it: questioning assumptions about class, consumption and sustainability“. Geoforum 67: 223-232.

Smith, Joe, Petr Jehlička. 2013. „Quiet sustainability: Fertile lessons from Europe’s productive gardeners“. Journal of Rural Studies 32: 148-157.

Jehlička, Petr, Matthew Kurtz. 2013. „Everyday Resistance in the Czech Landscape: The Woodcraft Culture from the Hapsburg Empire to the Communist Regime“. East European Politics and Societies 27(2): 308-332.

Jehlička, Petr, Tomáš Kostelecký, Joe Smith. 2013. „Food Self-Provisioning in Czechia: Beyond Coping Strategy of the Poor: A Response to Alber and Kohler’s ‘Informal Food Production in the Enlarged European Union’“. Social Indicators Research 111(1): 219-234.

Smith, Michael, L., Petr Jehlička. 2012. „Environmental Values in Central and Eastern Europe: Perspectives from East and West“.  Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review 48(3): 409-419.

Jehlička, Petr, Tomáš Kostelecký, Daniel Kunštát. 2011. „Czech Green politics after two decades: the May 2010 general election“. Environmental Politics 20(3): 418-425.

Jehlička, Petr, Joe Smith. 2011. „An Unsustainable State: Contrasting food practices and state policies in the Czech Republic“. Geoforum 42(3): 362-372.

Carmin, JoAnn, Petr Jehlicka. 2010. „Navigating Institutional Pressure in State-Socialist and Democratic Regimes: The Case of Movement Brontosaurus“.  Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 39(1): 29-50.


Členství ve vědeckých společnostech:

  • 2021 - European Sociological Association (člen)
  • 2005 – Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers (Fellow)